The Gardens at Tanglewood

I have visited Tanglewood park in Clemmons North Carolina a million times in fact when the wee guy wakes in the morning I often get told that we need to visit the duck duck park. Recently someone tweeted me that I must visit the gardens behind the manor house so last week I did just that. I am a huge fan of the gardens at Reynolda in fact its a special place to me as they are modeled on an English garden. I walked to the back of the house and to my delight discovered a beautiful garden complete with native flowers, fountains, places to sit and trails and a fragrance garden. My favorite part was the children's garden though with brightly colored paths and little benches for wee ones to sit. 

Also a vegetable garden to teach about how to grow vegetables in fact the gardener mentioned that thats what most of the visitors come for with local school tours. As a dietitian and new vegetable gardener this is especially special to me as it promotes health and I have noticed in my own children how much they enjoy eating healthy food that they have helped grow.  But sadly very little of the public visit. Maybe just like me they are not aware of it, hence the reason for the post, I would love to assist promoting places like this on social media as a job, good to have dreams. 

 The garden is managed by the NC cooperative extension with a full time gardener Jamie Collins pictured below, I think my excitement may have scared him :-) and two master gardener volunteers. I hope to complete this course next year one of my goals. There is a great collection of adult seminars on a range of gardening topics here too. 

It also has a little potting shed to play in and banana tree's I am fond of banana's my husbands Aunt is a farmer in Southern India and grows them. I have visited the area and remember me being me getting my brother and sister in law to dance in the field like an Indian movie :-) 

the wee guy trying to wash his toy car in the fountain before his big sister shouted no it says do not touch 

The children's garden 

a butterfly garden 

The vegetable garden complete with fences to keep the deer out :-), Tanglewood as a park is blessed to have tree's and forrests


At the back of the gardens is a lovely little wild flower garden featuring native North Carolina plants

a banana blossom and banana's growing

a very humble gardener who should be very proud of his work. 

So If you visit the Winston Salem area please take the time to visit this wonderful garden it's a treat.

What new discovers have you made in your city recently?



  1. my my the wee guy has grown so much :). THats such a beautiful garden.

  2. wonderful place to spend your weekend

  3. What a great place. You might enjoy being a Master Gardener Rebecca. I was one in Florida in the nineties and met a lot of great people and learned a lot about gardening.

    1. thinking about it if I can fit it around the kids

  4. Becoming a Master Gardener is a terrific goal Rebecca.
    Loving those banana trees :)

  5. What a fabulous place Rebecca, and so wonderful to have it close to your own backyard. o glad you shared, and would love to take a tour with you if (I mean when) I make it to NC :-)

  6. I love these Rebecca look beautiful and the kids cute!

  7. Lovely, Rebecca. The wooden spider web in the children's garden is so clever.

  8. What a beautiful garden!!! That tin man is so cute!

  9. So beautiful. Love getting lost in gardens.


  10. What a wonderful place to visit! I love the children's garden and that huge web and the tin man :)

  11. Such a beautiful garden Rebecca...I enjoyed the pictures very much!
    Hope you are having a great week :D


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