Orzo, Barley and Spinach salad

This is a delightfully simple and tasty dish can be a main meal or a great light lunch, would also be great packed. I loved the combination of barley and orzo. Barley is a super nutritious whole grain rich in protein, I made a salad with roasted butternut squash once so good. 


  • 1/2 cup of orzo and 1/2 a cup of barley cooked according to instructions, typically you boil each for about 10 minutes 
  • a good handful of spinach
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 of a red onion chopped
  • a handful of crumbled feta 
  • a tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar 
  1. cook the barley and orzo and keep to one side 
  2. mean while saute the onions and garlic in olive oil until fragrant about 4 minutes
  3. add the spinach little by little and let it cook down
  4. remove from heat mix in the orzo and barley, white balsamic and feta cheese, a little salt and pepper to taste and serve 

We visited a local Blueberry farm yesterday.
Reich's on Ebert Road in Winston Salem, it was so much fun the kids liked it and love how excited they are as they eat these nutritious gems rich in antioxidants saying that they picked them.

Have a great start to the week everyone 


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  1. The salad looks so fresh & healthy. You are so fortunate to pick up the freshest ingredients:)

    1. I am really am but I think if we look every city has them

  2. Love this salad Rebecca. I know how kids feel ownership over the food they pick or cook or even help cooking. I had a nice experience with a friend's kids recently when we baked yeasted whole wheat donuts together and the kids 'owned' every single piece. They generously allowed us to have a couple of them though :-) How easy it is to train them to eat good food, not junk.

  3. delicious looking berries! And I love the salad:-)

  4. I have fallen in love with orzo and use it all of the time now. Precious picture of the wee one picking blueberries.

  5. Wat a nutritious and healthy food..

  6. what nice and delicious salad Rebecca!

  7. This recipe is perfect as a summer light lunch, isn't it? Especially now with the British summer finally here! :-) I wonder if I could include some avocado in it. I love avocado and I know that it goes with most salads. Many thanks. Lovely photos, too.

    Greetings from London.

  8. Those are huge blueberry trees.. Never knew they grew so large!

  9. Oh! So cute your little one picking blueberries...
    This salad sounds delicious orzo and barley...yum! Great textures.
    Have a great week ahead Rebecca :D

    1. thanks wish you the same and it was a fun thing to do

  10. I'm with you - combo of barley & orzo, yum!

  11. Got some orzo stashed away, should give it a try. What kind of barley do you use? I used to think you have to cook barley for a long time

  12. I'm not a fans of orzo pasta since this cute lil pasta cost me 10 times compare to spaghetti...hehehe
    the salad is so easy,healty and yet tasty!

  13. I like your combination of barley and orzo...a nice difference in textures and flavors.

  14. These look delicious!!! Great combo of yummy flavors!!!

  15. This sounds really good. I have orzo in the house, wonder if I can find barley here in France. Ah, it is called orge here just to confuse me! Have a good day Diane

  16. This looks so delicious and I love the pictures!!

  17. Healthy and delicious...the perfect summer meal,Rebecca! I love orzo salads!

  18. your salad sound healthy and it sound so fun to visit a blueberry farm.

  19. thanks Yummychunklet, Dianne :_) you do great with the language, Alicia thanks Erica thanks Sonia it was lovely

  20. I've picked a lot of fruits before but never bluebrries....its looks heaps fun! Do your hands get blue? Your salad looks really tasty too :)
    Thanks for your comment on my blog- my RD studies are going okay. I don't know if I told you about it before, but we don't actually get to learn anything about nutrition/dietetics until fourth year which is next year so I'm just doing general science subjects at the moment which aren't all too interesting and helpful *sigh* I'm just hoping that when I finally do get to learn about the stuff I want to learn about, that it'll be interesting as I'd hoped and worth the wait haha...

  21. Von no your hands don't get blue and that is hard waiting till 4 th year but when you get on placement thats when the fun starts

  22. just mouthwatering...looks delicious!

  23. For some strange reason the system is not letting me comment on your latest post. So, here goes my comment:

    "What a wealth of information and beautiful images. Many thanks. I enjoyed that tour."

    I'll try again. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  24. Such a delicious salad. I love orzo and spinach together!

    How fun to pick your own blueberries with such adorable helpers :) I try to eat a few every morning since they are so healthy.


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