Coffee Cake

I must admit I am not a great baker, I have a few tried and true recipes like this one of my Grandma's and madeleines I wish I had inherited her baking gene, but alas at least I can cook. This is lovely light cake made with coffee added and a coffee icing. 

My Grandma's coffee cake 


Tips from my Grandma - weigh eggs and then use the same weight of flour, sugar and butter, this really works.
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 4 oz of self raising flour (the same weight of the eggs)
  • 4 oz of butter, softened
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 1/4 of a cup of cold coffee 


  1. make a cup of coffee and allow it to cool
  2. mix the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy 
  3. add the eggs and the flour, I used a light cake flour
  4. add about 1/4 cup of the coffee
  5. line a round baking tin with grease proof paper and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes until a knife comes out clean
  6. for the icing mix a about 1/4 a cup of coffee with confectioners/icing sugar until you get a paste cover the cake and grate some chocolate over it allow it to set.

so go on help yourself

Here is our wee guy in his halloween outfit at Jasmines pre school he was hilarious walking around everywhere getting lolly pops
sweet Jasmine was cinderella :-)

My darlings, I can't say it enough being a Mum is the best thing in the world 

Hugs and take a seat, I will bring you a cup of coffee and a slice of cake one of the only ones I can make so its extra special :-) 

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  1. aaah the kids look so cute I love them!!!
    I love this cake is the type I love with a cup of tea and I remember today I cannot eat my tea at afternoon:(
    have a lovely week!

  2. I remember it being said that pound cake is called that because it has a pound of flour, and a pound of two or three other ingredients. A great way to have a recipe in memory. Can you tell me (at, so that I see your answer) what to use if I don't have self-rising flour? Baking powder and/or soda I assume, but in what amount?

    1. have emailed you and good idea on the espresso powder

  3. This looks delicious! And what cute costumes!

  4. The cake looks delicious! The kids are so cute!

  5. I meant to mention that I think some espresso powder (for instant espresso) would be a great thing to include in place of regular coffee. As it happens we usually have some in the freezer for use in steak rubs and chocolate cakes.

  6. What a feast!! Everything looks absolutely amazing

  7. your kiddies are so cute! your got a lil helper there, just like my daughetr so keen to 'help' mommy. I foolishly thought not so long ago that coffee cake contains coffee (later discovered it is an expression for coffee -time cake!), but I'm glad yours have real coffee in it!

  8. How lovely to have your grandmother's recipe. The kids look adorable. I always loved Halloween as a kid.

  9. ok so you totally can bake, I'm not buying that you can only cook. I can only cook.

  10. And coffee icing too? I need to try it. Precious pics -

  11. Rebecca - I love your post - So funny b/c I was just researching the appropriate ratios for cake ingredients and your description is so simple - Got to try this :-)

  12. your kids are adorable! i love the look of that cake, it would be delish with a cup of tea!

  13. The icing part sounds delicious. Cute Halloween costumes!

  14. A lovely cake & a great tip from your grand-mother too! MMMM!
    Your kids look cute in their funny costumes !!!! :)

  15. Great looking cake, but GREATER looking costumes on your little ones. SOOOO cute!!!

  16. I love a good coffee cake! I guess it's the Danish part of me :)

    Love the costumes on your darling little ones, Rebecca. You're right - being a mum is the best and then being a grand-mum even better!

  17. The coffee cake looks great, Rebecca.
    The costumes on your babies are so lovely.

  18. Fantastic Haggoween costumes :) They look precious!

    Dig the coffee cake too. I'm not really a baker either but this looks like it MIGHT be dummy proof enough for me.

  19. Both ur darlings looks soo adorable.
    Feel like few slices of ur coffee cake, i should try this cake a day.


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