Food and Fun in Reykjavik Iceland

Reykjavik is a city I have always wanted to visit, I have heard about its great food scene, funky art shops and of course Iceland's natural beauty.

This is a traditional Icelandic doughnut dipped in cardamom syrup so good.

The first day we ate at a restaurant called Geyser bistro

I had a wonderful seafood soup loaded with shrimp, lobster and shrimp.

This is a rice pudding they give to kids

Here's a cute little coffee house and I must say they love coffee and cake :-)

Pretty church

Super cute little shop, the city has lots of small art and nick nack shops :-)

This is a skyr chocolate cake.
Iceland is famous for skyr yogurt similar to Greek yogurt high in protein and they also sell lovely yoghurt drinks.

This was a Viking sculpture next to the bay with the moon in the distance.

Here's an example of the amazing bakeries here

This was a wonderful salad bar at a local restaurant serving delicious organic world inspired food. As a dietitian I loved this and they grow a lot of vegetables using geothermal heat in greenhouses.

Today's weather was very rainy and gloomy Iceland's weather is unpredictable and reminds me of Scotland where I grew up.

But we hired a car and still had fun getting into the beautiful countryside despite the rain.

Tomorrow we are driving to the country and staying on a horse farm and celebrating our darling boys first birthday :-)

His big sister told him he will be one and she will hug him

Hope your having a wonderful week

Love from Iceland



  1. Congrats, happy birthday prince, he is one already. Love to visit Iceland once. Many in the wishlist.

    1. hope you can hugs and thanks for his birthday wishes

  2. What a fun and interesting many new food items from Iceland! Hope all is well!

  3. Happy Birthday to your boy!
    That's a fun donut!

  4. Happy birthday sweet one. I can't believe he'll be one. And sis is giving you a hug for his b'day. Looks like everyone is having a great trip.

  5. Sounds like you are having an awesome time there. I want to try the Icelandic doughnut! Dipped in cardamom syrup? Hmmmm yummy!

  6. That seafood soup looks delicious!

  7. what beautiful country, thanks for the peek!

  8. Well dear happy birthday to your lovely boy! the pictures are beautiful!
    Have a nice time Rebecca!

  9. I am jealous! Was just reading about iceland a few days back. Enjoy the rest of ur trip.

  10. I *love* Iceland! Have you tried the famous hot dog stand? YOU MUST. And the Blue Lagoon. OMG I want to go back!!!!

  11. Wow one already? It seems like he was just born! Your trip sounds amazing. The sky is sooo blue in the first photos! The food sopunds amazing.

  12. what??? you are in Iceland? A few days ago you were in NYC right? Wow enjoy... i'm so jealous you are really globe trotting haha.
    have fun

  13. So you're off again! How wonderful that you travel with your little ones so easily. I can't believe your little guy is going to be one already!!

  14. was so jealous until reading your weather summary, hmn now I'll reconsider. Looks charming though.


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