African Beef and Peanut Stew

I have seen this stew numerous times on blogs and this version was based on a recipe on the Kitchn, this recipe comes from West Africa its easy to make and packed with flavor, in fact my hubby is asking for it again, always a good sign. I made a few changes mainly adding in extra vegetables including sweet potato and zucchini. As a busy Mum one pot meals are wonderful. 

  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • one pack of lean beef cubed, regular small size in grocery store
  • one small onion chopped
  • one teaspoon of ginger/garlic paste 
  • 2 cups water
  • one can of chopped tomatoes, small 
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander
  • a handful of freshly chopped coriander/cilantro
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 cup chunky natural peanut butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • a few peanuts for garnish 
  • one zucchini chopped
  • one sweet potato chopped
  • one carrot chopped 


  1. add a little oil to the bottom of a thick bottomed pan and add the beef, brown it for about 5 minutes on a medium heat
  2. add the onions and ginger/ garlic paste and saute 
  3. then add the can of tomatoes and all the spices, and a cup of water and the vegetables 
  4. turn to a simmer for about an hour, when the meat is nice and tender add the peanut butter and simmer for another 20 minutes
  5. serve with rice, or mashed potatoes. 

What dish have you made recently that your family has asked for again?

Couldn't resist to add some rainbow pictures from our recent trip to Iceland, I adore Rainbows and remember God keeps his promises ;-) 

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  1. Adore rainbows and one pot meals :)

  2. Love all the spices and herbs there. Must be very delicious. Love it with rice, too.

  3. What is a "pack" of beef (size, I mean)? How big a can of tomatoes did you use? This looks very interesting. Oh, I will only see your reply if you send it to

  4. I love the double rainbow photo!

  5. I used to make something like that just with chicken.. and it really is so good!! that peanut butter makes gravy so yummy!

  6. This looks so good! We don't eat much meat so I think it would still be delicious if I left the meat out. Thanks again for offering to do the post!! You are so sweet.

  7. A classic, classic stew. So good. We've only do it with chicken or all vegetables, so the beef and peanut butter combo would be a nice change.

  8. A double rainbow, Rebecca. Lovely!
    Interesting combo of flavors in your stew. And a great idea to use sweet potatoes, too.

  9. You don't even have to be a busy mom to like one pot dishes. :) And it's always a good sign if they ask to have a dish again.

  10. I'm craving one pot meals like this as we get into fall. I bet it's one of those great recipes that is even better the next day.

  11. Looks & sounds delish ! Always looking for new ways to cook beef ( well venison since that's what we eat) and this looks healthy & yummy ! Will try it :) And Yes ! God does keep his promises. We need to claim them. Have a nice week !

  12. boy do i hear you, love one pot meals. this looks awesome, pinning!

  13. I love the spices in this dish. And there's nothing like a hearty one pot meal, your stew looks delicious!
    Very cool rainbow, pretty captures!

  14. Dear Rebecca, A delicious meal indeed. The pictures of your trip are beautiful. Blessings dear. Catherine

  15. yes , one pot dishes are the best with two kids on tow :). Looks delicious, love that beautiful picture of that rainbow.

  16. Lovely recipe & I too adore rainbows. I was lucky enough to view some in Scotland but these are especially spectacular! WOW

  17. Gorgeous rainbow clicks, Rebecca.
    The stew looks comforting and delicious.


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