Tips for Finding your Blogging Niche

Here are my thoughts on how to find your voice/ niche as a blogger, hope they help what are yours?

have a great weekend all


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  1. Rebecca you have some good tips here, and as always you are so helpful! I do know I am myself on my blog, it started out as a way to communicate to my family up in Michigan, and to have a place for my recipes and trials. Good to now it's okay to add all those beach photos and such! I didn't break any food blogger rules :)

    1. lyndsey those beach pictures are what makes your blog special the crafts, your daughter, bentos all of it hugs

  2. Reb,
    If there was one generous person award on the blogosphere it would be you. Youa re always ready to help and share tips that are helpful and handy. You give excellent advice all the time.
    Again, I'd like to thank you for the nomination on Babble and for the confidence you had for me.


    1. Malou my pleasure your a wonderful person, caring Mum and wife, smart and a fab cook hugs

  3. Excellent advice Rebecca. When people start blogging there always seems to be a pressure to conform to others standards. I always have in the back of my mind "my blog = my rules". It's so much easier to be yourself the conversation flows easily and you are able to connect with others easier.
    On another note, you serve the blogging community really well. Sharing helpful tips and advice, inspiring others. Keep it up :-)

    1. thanks Jacqueline so happy we connected your a gem

  4. All excellent advice, Rebecca! Being true to yourself is so very important. I'm not a baker nor do I really like sweets too much, so my blog has very few baked goods or desserts. And yet I've done OK for myself, despite 'neglecting' these popular categories. (That said, my all-time most popular post, by a long shot, is my Gelato: The Basic Recipe post!)

    1. thanks Frank your blog and recipes are amazing a true talent

  5. Very wise, Rebecca. As you said, there is only one YOU and that's who your blog should reflect. Love it!

  6. Time is my biggest problem and a need to go to the mood to write got tonnes of recipes but when I sit down to write nothing comes into my head :(

  7. Always LOVE when you do videos, and this one really speaks to me. Blogging IS a journey, isn't it?!

  8. Hi Rebecca. I really enjoyed that video and it certainly helpful to know that it is alright to just blog as I feel. I have been blogging for nearly two years now and although I am quite satisfied at where it is now I am still at blank when it comes to describing my blog. "I blog about the food I cook" but don't we all?

  9. Thanks so much for sharing your encouraging thoughts Rebecca. Finding a niche and a voice is much more difficult than you expect before starting a blog, and it’s nice to hear advice from a seasoned veteran!

    1. Marion aww thanks so kind of you i don't really see myself like that :-) hugs Rebecca


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