My Gardening Journey

I have always admired folks who gardened and loved my sweet neighbors who would give me produce from their gardens when I lived in Elkin. Even as a child I enjoyed eating broad beans and tomatoes from my Granddad's garden. I think recently following blogs and chatting with folks on the facebook page and twitter I finally got the confidence to give gardening a go. I am happy to say its really not that hard and its so rewarding to watch things grow and teach my wee daughter how we get our food. She happily planted the vegetables and enjoys eating them as a dietitian I can proudly say it works, growing vegetables connects children with their food and results in heathy eating. 

My Granddad is a huge inspiration to me, I adore and look up to him a sweet and witty man, with a dry sense of humor and a big heart. Here's a clip of his garden I took a few years ago

My Dad has followed in his Dad's footsteps and has some vegetables and a greenhouse in his house in Scotland and has been growing more the last few years. He very kindly built me a planter last summer when he was here around the time of our sons arrival and we started planting lettuce in the spring. Then when my parents returned this April I proudly made a salad with the lettuce for my Dad and he built me another box. You can see him pictured with J planting zucchini he said I won't believe how big they will get and he was right.

great memories 

picking lettuce, once you grow your own, you will be so spoilt the ones in the store don't taste that great

The zucchini plants

tomatoes, lettuce and spinach also strawberries but something keeps eating those :-)

green pepper and basil 

eggplant growing

another benefit of gardening is the wonderful blossoms you get this is for eggplant so pretty

every time we come and play outside Jasmine eats a tomato and recently she has also been giving her baby brother a taste :-)

My Granddad, her Great Granddad reading her a story in May magic 

The wee guy sharpening his two little teeth on zucchini

The best part fresh healthy ingredients to cook with 

We just serviced our bikes and fitted baby seats and also got a bike for Jasmine for her birthday. It has been 4 years since I have cycled and I was a tad nervous but it was so much fun.

Do you garden?, I am so glad I started its a fun journey excited to see how our peas come along. If you like this post your welcome to follow along on my gardening pinterest board and share tips :-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 

hugs Rebecca


  1. lovely post I enjoy gardening it is exciting

  2. I love gardener and love yours especially your tomatos and love Jasmine; she is so cute! And love the picture of your little guy!
    In this tome (winter) Only I have mint but in summer I had basil hope nect spring have more things like you I think is lovely!

    1. Gloria look forward to seeing what you grow next yr :-) hugs

  3. My mom loves gardening.. But somehow I do not enjoy at least not yet :)

    Btw, are these your kids? They are so are adorable :)

    1. maybe you will one day, yep my kids :-)

    2. Oh, your girl has wonderful hair..and they both are so cute.. :)

  4. Aw, cute! Someone loves zucchini!

  5. Love your enthusiasm and I bet your Dad is jealous of you being able to grow all those plants outside! I had a major gardening bug and grew loads of stuff when I was in my twenties, I even had an allotment! I keep things more managable now and love the look of your planter box. In fact I might get my husband to have a look and see if he will make one for me! will visit your Pinterest board tonight :)

    1. :-) good to keep hubby busy hugs have a great weekend

  6. so glad to see you enjoying your garden! It's great to see how you've got the kids involved so that can grow up appreciating fresh from the garden fruits and veggies!

    1. I hope it rubs of on them :-) and they do it when they are bigger :-)

  7. It is wonderful to see a garden come alive. I love your enthusiasm. It really is contagious. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  8. Love your cute! My favorite is garden grown tomatoes...YUM : )

  9. You have such a wonderful garden! What a great project for the whole family :)

  10. Great post gardening too...and your garden in box is just awesome. Thanks for sharing all the pictures...
    Have a great weekend :)

  11. Rebecca, thanks for sharing with us such a lovely post! Your garden soes look fantastic. Mine is already dry, too hot...

    1. its super hot here too been lucky with nightly watering

  12. Looks like someone's got a green thumb!

  13. Big congrats on getting a garden going. I plan to do the same when spring arrives (not much going on in the dead of winter). But I'm sure your daughter will love being outdoors with you watching and getting involved in all you do - I know I did when I was growing up xx

  14. lovely post...great work...keep goin!

  15. Love this post Rebecca and is so fun to see how at your garden has come along! I am still wanting to plant a garden soon, but need to put sme garden boxes on our rooftop deck before planting begins. You've definitely inspired me to get started :-)

  16. So nice to enjoy fruits and vegetable from own garden , organic and healthy ,

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  18. Your garden is looking so good! Every plant is growing bigger & bigger! I love to garden & eat my own produce! there is nothing better then that!

    MMMM! I just posted about my garden too!

  19. What a lovely trip you all have made & thanks for sharing your fun pictures with us all! :)
    Much appreciated too!
    I just posted about my garden too! :)


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