Sonoma Valley - Food, Wine, Fun.

We arrived in Sonoma area yesterday after a long day of travel on Tuesday. Actually we were due to fly Monday via Chicago but the flight was delayed and we would have missed the connection. So we flew the next day getting up at 4am and flying over 5 hours with the little ones. Unfortunately I got sick after arriving why do I say all of this, well because as me and hubby joked about how hard it was traveling with the kids today made it all worth it :-)

When we booked the trip Napa hotels were crazy expensive so we decided to stay in Santa Rosa. It's a great little town in Sonoma county California. Today we drove down the scenic highway 12 and stopped at Saint Jean vineyard you can see me tasting wines in the top picture. This was a beautiful place with lovely gardens, knowledgeable staff and top notch wines.

Lovely vineyards here and there are so many in both Sonoma and Napa area it's best to just pick a couple and enjoy them especially with kids. Also pace yourself with tastings :-)

For lunch we headed north of Santa Rosa to the Russian River growing area. We ate at a great restaurant called The Cork at the Indian River vineyard. Great farm like area with nice outside seating, it's own chickens and old world decor.

Old truck there

Bay area sea bass this was excellent

Cool pizza oven

Pretty bridge on another scenic drive to Healdsburg

California cows, this region produces great cheese, yogurt and butter :-)

Healdsburg great little town with tasting rooms, great restaurants and antique shops.

Bacon cupcakes !

An evening farmers market there, adore the local produce culture.

In the evening we headed back to Santa Rosa and went downtown to a lovely event called Wednesday market. It is a farmers market complete with live music, food trucks and fun for the kids.

Our daughter coming down the slide :-) so mummy and daddy enjoyed the vineyards in the day then kids had fun later :-)

Fig and bacon pizza made in outdoor oven so good. The food trucks had great fresh foods at a reasonable price a must do.

Today was magic and I forget all about the difficulties of travel and being sick. Thanks for coming along :-)

Hugs Rebecca

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Looks and 'tastes' wonderful! Enjoy every minute! I know you will! :)

  2. Lucky you to be in California wine country. I've been enjoying your pictures of your trip on FB. What a coincidence. Saint Jean is one of our favorite chardonneys.

    Have fun Rebecca.

    1. So happy we stumbled on that winery and I know it's good if you like it :-)

  3. Awww yay! Looks like you're having TONS of fun!

    1. Thanks but honestly has been a little hard with teething baby but worth it

  4. I really wonder where do you get all the energy and power to take care of two kids, travel, write and blog. You are an amazing woman!

  5. What a fun trip! Glad you started to feel better and was able to enjoy it. I have a friend who lives in Santa Rosa and I can't wait to get out there and do the whole Sonoma Valley thing. Looks like a wonderful place to visit and live!

  6. Amazing pictures hope you have a fun time dear!

  7. go say hi to my dad, he lives in Sonoma!... I love it there... if you like margueritas go try the ones in the fabulous Mexican restaurant on the corner of the market square!

  8. Looks like a great trip, I love wine tasting too, reminds me of the one I did on Waiheke Island in New Zealand :)

    1. Wish we had made it there when we were in new Zealand :-)

  9. What a great location to be right now Rebecca! Enjoy the wine country! Sip some samples!!!

  10. I have always wanted to visit Napa. Looks like a fabulous trip!

  11. Looks like you're having a lovely trip...I'm jealous! I went to Healdsburg about 8 years ago and loved it...beautiful countryside.

  12. What a lovely trip that you all made!

    Thanks for sharing your fun pictures too! :)

  13. Sorry your trip got off on the wrong start with you being sick, but hope you're feeling much better now! Wish we could have extended our trip to the Napa/Sanima area, but my husband used up a lot of vacation time in Mew Zealand this year. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  14. looks like a great time!
    love the idea of figs on pizza


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