Good Coffee and Friends

We just had a fun couple of days in the San Francisco Bay area. On Friday I met a couple of dietitians for lunch at Spruce restaurant Katie Moreford and Trish of @dishbytrish. The restaurant deserves a mention first class food, and beautiful they even iron the tables ! It was hard with a teething baby though to enjoy but highly recommend it.

Later in the day I met Sumner @mydietitian I have tweeted with her for a while lovely person from LA and luck would have it she was in San Francisco to run the marathon today.

The wee man was crying a lot and I think she got scared away as promptly headed to her hotel for wine hour he he !

One of the things I wanted to tick of was a coffee at Blue Bottle coffee one of Americas premier coffee shops. It was first class and is an experience not only do they make wonderful espresso drinks with latte art, but they are famous for Japanese style slowly drip filtered see below-

I ordered a Kyoto iced coffee so good smooth and earthy.
Here's the website to learn more

If in town be sure to visit, they have a few locations and even in NYC. The cakes and food are also great I had a coffee and brandy cake and had quite the buzz!

Then on Saturday we had another wonderful meet up with Beth from @omgyummy, Orly @yumivore, Lynn who plans to start blogging again and EA @thespicyRD. We all brought our families, hubby's and kids it was magic like meeting old friends sad the west coast is so far will miss them.

The lovely crowd- Beth, Orly, me, Lynn and EA

In the evening we stayed in Sunnyvale south of San Francisco honestly one night in the downtown with two little ones was enough and it was super expensive.

I couldn't not meet two more blogging buddies who live in the area Kankana of Sunshine and Smile and Prerna of Indian Simmer. We went for South Indian as my hubby is from there :-) in silicon valley there is a huge community.



Me, Prerna and Kankana

Food blogging, twitter and Facebook are truly amazing have made amazing friends and it is so special when we get to meet in person.

Last leg of the adventure now as we head south to Monterey we were keen to take kids to aquarium.

Have a fab Sunday all

Hugs Rebecca


  1. what nice and fun travel for you rebacca:) huggs!!

  2. San Francisco is a great city. So glad you had he opportunity to meet up with your blogger buddies. Isn't the virtual world wonderful? Glad you are having a good time.


    P.S. I think it is awesome that your kids travel with you. In my opinion, its the only way to make them good travelers. I traveled with my kids when they were young ( still do) although there were some trying moments they are quite relaxed travelers now.

    1. thanks for the comment on travel means a lot to me and good to know it will help them later in life :-)

  3. Sounds like you had a great time. Enjoy your week. Diane

  4. How fun to meet everyone in person! I'm glad you had a terrific trip!

  5. Seems like you had a really great time!

  6. sounds so fun ! Food looks yumm & I want to try that coffee NOW :)

  7. Becca - so very jealous of your cali travels.
    one of my favorite places to be; hope to move back there soon.
    enjoy the food.
    hope you make it to Big Sur Bakery

  8. How wonderful you got to meet so many California blog and Twitter friends! Enjoy the rest of your great trip.

  9. Oh, aren't holidays just the best? I've never been to San Francisco before but would love to go. Your trip sounds action packed. The latte arte looks very appealing. Good that you were able to meet so many friends on your trip. Makes it worthwhile :-)

    1. yep love meeting folks when traveling and you would love SF

  10. It looks that you all had fun, except for the teething baby! :(

    Thanks for sharing your experiences! :)

  11. So fun, if you are ever in Texas, tweet me up! ;)

  12. It was so wonderful meeting you, your family, and everyone else!, and it sounds like the rest of your trip was fun (Carmel is always lovely to visit), but I'm sure you're happy to be home :-). Next time So. Cal or NC!

  13. So wonderful to connect in person Rebecca and happy you enjoyed your visit to California! The Bay Area has some of the best South Indian food and it looks like you were able to enjoy a bite as well. Come back and visit again soon, would love to have you out here for a longer trip! Hugs xoxoxo Orly

  14. ... and so glad you got to experience Blue Bottle!


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