Blackberry and Muesli Parfait

I know I know another Parfait recipe :-), blogs are filled with them right now, but why not its easy, healthy and a nice light summer dessert. I got a big box of blackberries last week from the farmers market and to be honest they were a tad tart for me. So a great way to use fruit like this is to simply cook them with some sugar and make a sauce. This can be used for parfaits, with oatmeal or save for later in the freezer. 


  • one pint/ big box of blackberries
  • 1/2 cup of sugar or as desired depending on what level of sweetness you desire. 
  • 1/2 cup of low fat natural yoghurt 
  • and a generous handful of muesli 

  1. cook the blackberries with sugar until they reduce down, about 10 - 15 minutes allow it to cool
  2. get a little glass add yogurt, then the fruit and the muesli 
  3. enjoy

So who else is on the parfait bandwagon?

On another note I am co hosting #frifotos on twitter tomorrow, its one of my favorite hash tags each friday all day folks share pictures related to a given theme. This week its summer, be that a beach, a pool, summer produce come join folks around the world, tag your picture and enjoy others :-)

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  1. Delicious parafait. I will see if I can get time to join the twitter party.

  2. Que maravilla, me encanta como se ve

  3. I love blackberries are my favorites Rebecca but I cant find when I made the kuchen, this parfait look delicious, nice to dessert!x

  4. That just looks amazing!

  5. this looks beautiful and delicious. i have been eating a ton of yogurt lately-perfect for summer.

  6. Keep those parfaits coming girlfriend, you know how to make 'em! Look forward to tagging up on Twitter tomorrow. You are always doing something new & interesting :)

  7. Blackberries don't make it home anymore. I buy a little box and normally finish it when I am running other errands. I love parfaits in the mornings, so easy to eat and don't have an excuse when I arrive at work.

  8. Yes, you are always doing something interesting, Rebecca, whether it's parfaits or twitter parties. I never get tired of either :) Look forward to #frifotos. Thanks for stopping by my website - I've been out of circulation for the past month or so.

  9. Yum! This is a delicious and healthy parfait. I've been eating yogurt (ONLY!) for breakfast these past 2 weeks to reduce my weight.... I think this is going to be a great variation for me. :-)

  10. I need this for my 2nd breakfast! LOoks delish!

  11. So summery and delicious! A wonderful parfait and great combination, mmmhhh.



  12. Looks delicious and healthy!

  13. I say you can never have too many parfait recipes :)

  14. Looks delicious. Love parfaits. Great idea for the blackberries!

  15. it has been way too long since i've had a parfait, thanks for the inspiration! yours looks delicious!

  16. YUM! Parfaits are one of my favorite things to wake-up to! This looks perfect!

  17. Delicious! Love the fresh blackberries. So much better to sweeten your own plain yogurt, than buy the pre-sweetened at the store :-)


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