Chicken Cacciatore with Wild Rice

This is one of my favorite winter stews, caccatorie, its been on my blog before and all I did this time was to add zucchini and sweet potatoes. I think over time dishes can be perfected and improved upon like this one. 

We are the same way aren't we over the years we mature, adapt to new things and in many ways improve ourselves. I always remember my Mum telling me I was nicer after kids, in a way that hurt a little but I am sure it was a compliment not given perfectly:-) I have become more patient and have a greater respect for other parents and how hard parenting is :-) 

out for a walk :-) 

My sweet boy is rolling now 6 months next month!!

playing :-), got to love that :-)

What dish have you perfected over the years?

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  1. Chicken cacciatore is one of my favorite dishes. I love that you added zucchini and sweet potatoes, great idea. My mom has a way of giving me a compliment that sounds like an insult Let's hope we choose our words more carefully when we talk to our children as they get older. Your kids are beautiful:)

  2. ahhh i totally agree. i am not a parent right now, but i teach and i have developed a lot of patience through it.. especially working with middle schoolers. i have a cookie recipe (and a turkey recipe for thanksgiving too!) that i continue to perfect every single time i bake it! i think that's the best - always wanting to improve our cooking, to reach our best!

    1. well said and man as a teacher u must need loads of patience

  3. How funny my mom told me the same thing..that I was nicer agter I had my i must have been a hand full, great dish!

    1. thanks Vianney and too funny your mum said the same :-)

  4. Hmm good question! I don't know if I've perfected anything over the last few years but I live in hope! :P

  5. I love that you use sweet potatoes with this! what a great idea!

  6. The chicken cacciatore looks really yummy!

  7. I think when you become a parent you have a newfound respect for your own parents, which ultimately makes you nicer to them:) I love that you made the cacciatore your own.

  8. hey rebecca. i have yet to make chicken cacciatore. you have now inspired me. missed your site :-)

  9. I love chicken cacciatore but haven't had it in years. This post might inspire me to make it! :)

  10. I hope I am improving with age. I know I sure would if I had two such beautiful children. I spend my doting on my dog. Cacciatore - have to get that back in my life. Best regards, StephenC

  11. Chicken cacciatore is one of our favorites too :) I'm sure your mother meant it in the best possible way :)

    The pictures of you and your cuties are so sweet...awhhh, the milestones!

  12. That cacciatore is so warming and welcoming. And the photos - I want to live where you live. I want to not be bundled up! Perfecting dishes? Pasta dishes - especially ragu. And a mean prime rib complete with wine reduction and Yorkshire pudding.

    1. thanks Claudia and wow I want to try your prime rib and yorkies

  13. Delicious, comforting meal. And your kiddos, are amazingly cute!!!

  14. I love Chicken Cacciatore too and yours look absolutely delicious (I need to try your recipe next)! Ahhh parenting. I was just thinking about that while boiling water for tea. Everyday passes by so fast and we learn so much from the kids. I feel my kids made me more capable of a lot of things I wouldn't have before - like patience for example. We must cherish these moments Rebecca. Kids are getting big so fast!!!

  15. Oh my gosh, Rebecca, your babies are so adorable are are growing so fast. Chicken cacciatore is one of our favorite dishes. I served it last weekend and everybody loved it. My recipe is very similar to yours...delicious.

    1. thanks Cathy hard to believe how fast they are growing smiles

  16. Well,I am glad I met the nicer Rebecca :) The dish looks great for a Sunday dinner...

  17. Rebecca, The babies are growing so fast and so cute:)
    THe cacciatore looks fabulous with the colors on the veggies and the rice!!

  18. thanks Malli and your right they are growing up fast can't believe it

  19. Your kids are so adorable! And I think we all change after having kids. I feel like I'm more patient, too, and maybe it's easier for me to take life a little more slowly.

  20. Your kids are adorable. So sweet :)
    Nice addition to the cacciatore, never thought to add sweet potato or zucchini, it looks so good!

  21. Your children are adorable but I'm sure you know that already. It is amazing how our cooking changes of the years. We become a little more experimental as our tastes evolve. The chicken cacciatore must be delicious.

  22. Your kids are so cute and fun! (I know what face are you making now while reading this...:) What dish did I perfect? Bread! Thanks for asking, i had to go through a lot of dishes in my head, but bread is certainly something I am good at (imho)...:)

  23. R & J looks cute as ever ! Oh wow,he is quite fast,just like my kids. They both rolled on their tummy in 5th month :-)

  24. Love that you are serving it with rice for a change; your kids are adorable.

  25. All your photos are so joyful and your son is growing so fast. It's six months already ?!

  26. Love this post...the kids are so cute and look so happy! And your cacciatore looks so hearty and comforting. Perfect for cold nights.


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