Run Rabbit!!!!

This is brilliant a sheep herding rabbit Champis in Swedish, he must have learnt from the dogs on the farm and he's good :-)

we all need a little clip to make us smile.

Last but not least please see the clip below for why you should vote for me for a Get shorty award in food, you simply vote using twitter. It would be an amazing way to promote food bloggers and dietitians in the world of social media. So far I have 70 and need at least 198 to be in top 6 to be reviewed by the judges by feb 17th 

Please help friends, anything is possible :-)

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  1. I love that rabbit!

    I've voted and tweeted and I hope you win! You deserve to win.

  2. I love this rabbit is sooo cute!! Hope you win dear you deserve it!

  3. Hope you do well but afraid I do not tweet so cannot vote. Love your rabbit it is so cute. Diane

  4. Best of luck with the shorty! Have to love that rabbit.

  5. What a great video - love the herding rabbit ) Off to vote for you Rebecca - good luck!

  6. thank you so so much friends for your support can't tell u how much it means to me


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