Tudor Feast by a Genius

Last time my Dad was here we spent hours watching Heston Blumenthal clips, one of the Worlds best chefs, owner of the Fat Duck. He did a TV show where he made creative and amazing dinner parties for celebrities in case you haven't seen it, heres one to enjoy :

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  1. A new one for me. Thanks so much for the introduction; will have to look him up.

  2. I've never heard of this, but I need some entertainment this morning!

  3. Me neither--never heard of the show! I'll check it out!

  4. Sounds like fun! If I wasn't at work right now I'd watch it, haha. Maybe this weekend I can check it out :)

  5. That was great, very entertaining. I wish we could see him on TV here in the U.S.

    Okay, first of all, I want some butterbeer. That reminds me of Harry Potter. Second of all I love the lady's shoes in the beginning. Also would not eat the animal thingy or the frog juice thing..lol But I do think the guy with the curly hair, though it is a bit too long, is adorable..lol

    Thanks for sharing that:)

  6. I loved watching the video, Rebecca. I don't think I'll try the fire trick at home, that's for sure, but it was fun to see how the chef created a lavish, Tudor-style meal. Lucky guests!

  7. Cool show! I'll have check out a few more of them. I usually love anything that involves food as the subject line.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. New to me - but being an American-anglophile who was obsessed with the Tudors as a teen - I took note!

  9. I haven't ever heard of this show but I need to check it out!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Rita oh you will love him so talented
    Joanne he he pleased u like it
    a spicy perspective hope you like it
    Victoria: watch it later no worries he he
    Raina he he the butter beer is Harry potter like he he
    savoring time in the kitchen shame we weren't invited he he
    Sushma smiles
    Evan enjoy
    Julie have a fab weekend as well
    Claudia oh you will really like it then
    Kristen you too

  11. I absolutely loved it! I watched it twice...now if it is not canceled, how I would have liked to been on the show!

    Our neighbor one year did a whole English traditional English Christmas with the pudding and all, was fabulous. She wowed us the whole night!


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