Food Memories

After writing the post on Germany and the pork and noodle dish I cooked. It got me thinking of how many wonderful memories I have around food. I was deleting some pictures from my phone today had 1300! and it was getting a little slow, and I decided to share some of our food memories from the last two years.

The first one is Jasmine in her high chair learning to use a cup, I remember putting a clip on Chow and Chatter when she was learning to use a spoon, things we take for granted daily.

This was her eating her first birthday cake!

eating Cuban food in Miami, as a family we are adventurous eaters and love trying new food, we always offer Jasmine new foods and I then cook for her fingers crossed this will stay with her as she grows up

This is one of my favorite moments, we were in Washington Dulles airport after a long flight from Paris waiting for our connection and Jasmine started eating this lovely Japanese ladies fries, we still stay in touch via email now and again!

This is me and Jasmine at our adopted American families home at Thanksgiving last year, where they had a pumpkin pie cheesecake!

This is my little Angel checking out Mummy's Yorkshire puddings!

Eating a Sunday roast with Grandma, her other Grandma brought a special powder for Iddiappam from India for her (pictures on the blog)

At the Greek Festival here in Winston Salem NC, you know me always checking out great Authentic places to eat!

eating noodles in China Town!

Ice cream in Turkey in the spring, the people there were so sweet and often gave her free chocolates, cookies and bread sticks in the stores

Another one of my favorite food memories, this is Jasmine picking and eating lots of Great Granddads cherry tomatoes we also picked Kidney beans for super that day!

eating bacon at home after being in India (she has American food tastes in my opinion he he )

eating an apple at the apple festival a couple of weeks ago with her little friend

this was a couple of days ago eating Mummies chapatti 

Hope you all enjoyed these precious food memories as much as me....

What are your favorite memories from your childhood?


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    Lovely pics and sweet memories...


  2. Oh she is very lucky to have all this photos taken of her..3000 photos now that is a lot lol

  3. Lovely pics rebecca,jasmine is so cute...

  4. I love the photo of Jasmine eating noodles!! Who was having more fun, Jasmine or her father? :-))

  5. Pictures say a thousand words, that's for sure! How lucky Jasmine is to have a foodie mum!

  6. You are talking to my heart; my life revolves around food and of course memories; thank you for shafing you world.

  7. That girl is going places!!!!! This post almost brought me to tears. Love it.

    On rainy weekends we used to go to a boat restaurant to eat lunch. My parents would eat clams, crabs, etc and my siblings and I would always order the burgers - they were SO good! The joke was...whenever we went to "the boat"... the rain would stop and the sun would come out! Then we would go home and go to the beach!

  8. cute!! I love the photo of the noodle- it looks so big and long compared to Jasmine! haha.....
    With a mother like you, she'll proabbly grow up to be a foodie too! She's so luck! I don't know anyone who has experienced as much of variety of food at such a young age! I wish I had!

  9. What nice pictures. Jasmine is so CUTE! She has the sweetest little face! :)

  10. Lovely photos, I also love that photo of Jasmine eating noodles, so cute!

  11. lovely photos, my own children are so well documented and food is always a reoccurring theme.

  12. Very nice meander down memory lane!

  13. I love that your favorite food memories are involving your beautiful daughter!! They grow up so fast, but a trip down memory lane is a great reminder of how even the littles ones started developing their palates, and using utensils :)

  14. When you think about it, the best memories are around food. She's too cute!!

    If you are curious, I jut posted a German goulash and a link to more German food (you can translate into English)

  15. Hai fatto benissimo a condiverdele con noi, le tue foto sono belle e simpatiche. Ciao Daniela.

  16. Precious, and quite the world traveler at such a young age.

  17. Dr Sameena thanks so much
    3 hungry tummies he he I know right
    peachkins he he too many
    Sonia thanks
    Sushma thanks
    Angie we all enjoyed that meal
    the food hound thanks hope she thinks so
    rita my pleasure
    design wine and dine oh I want to visit the boat
    Von oh hope it stays with her
    simply life thanks
    Jes thanks
    christo I know we adore her
    emily thanks
    anncoo he he me too
    Megan oh I bet share more pics
    doc thanks
    Belinda on my way
    Victoria for sure

  18. Wonderful food memories, Rebecca. I'm sure your travels and food will be remembered fondly by Jasmine too.

  19. This is such a great idea! Can you imagine if we had to post each and every recipe and memory we have tried over the years? Now that would be quite a post! Love this one.

  20. Such great memories! Jasmine is growing fast, isn't she? Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  21. savoring time in the kitchen hope so smiles
    Bridgett it would be huge he he
    Kristy oh she is and she is a cute lil chatterbox

  22. Thank you for the beautiful post. Your J is so sweet always!!!

  23. Hi Rebecca,
    Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing those lovely memories!Your little angel is so cute and lucky too as she have one of the best Mom always by her side.
    God Bless.

  24. Awww-what a cute post!! And I must say you have a beautiful model at home for all the food you make/try out ;)

  25. It looks like you have a lot of fun on a regular basis and what awesome memories you've made for you and your family.

  26. the lacquer spoon thanks
    always a winner aw thanks so kind may God richly bless you as well love Rebecca
    sweta thanks so much J is a good sport lol
    Leah smiles


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