A short visit to Oslo

So this concludes our Scandinavian adventure and what fun it's been thoroughly enjoyed getting a feel of these counties the food, landscape and people. Hope to return one day but the cost makes it a little less appealing :-) we arrived in Oslo yesterday and spend today here. Overall it's a lively city with some cool neighborhoods, a fjord allowing you to take local ferries across and quite a few museums to explore. It was a little more difficult to navigate than Sweden I found the staff at ferry terminals more helpful. Also Unfortunately one bank ATM took our card today and it took ages working out getting a ferry ticket :-) but these events are all part of the adventure of travel.

A short ferry journey across the Fjord you can reach Bygdoy a pretty seaside area with nice homes and The Norwegian museum of cultural history. I really enjoyed this it featured a collection of old buildings through the ages. The most impressive was the Slavic church over a thousand years old truly magical. 

A Sami tent these are the reindeer herders in the north 

One of the old farm houses the kids enjoyed going  in and out of these I have added a few clips to vine. 

A vegetable garden this reminded me of old Salem in Winston Salem NC where I live :-)

The church really amazing 

The carvings were very intricate and reflective of the area 

Here is a traditional Norwegian cake filled with custard, with a cardamom flavor and   coated in coconut really good. 

brunost - Norwegian brown cheese - tastes like caramel 
And a chest of delicious shrimp in a local grocery store 

Hugs Rebecca 


  1. Wonderful. I'm with you, love those old churches ;)

  2. You have had a wonderful journey. Scandinavia is a beautiful part of Europe.


  3. Amazing sights. Many thanks. I hope you and your family are having a good time.

    Greetings from London.

  4. Sounds like a great trip. That cheese sounds intriguing!

  5. Lovely journey!
    btw, dis the bush on the farm house roof dagrade and ruined the roof material???

  6. Looks like a wonderful trip, great photos :) thanks for sharing!

  7. Such a beautiful place!! Thanks for sharing :)


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