Homemade Granola

I made this granola recently with the kids, hubby loves granola so one evening we whipped this up for a fun surprise for him when he got home from work. I didn't realize how easy granola was to make until I tried and I feel its an item that can be over priced. It also lends itself to adding lots of healthy nuts and grains and endless flavor combinations. 



  • One cup oats 
  • 1 tablespoon sugar 
  • 2 tablespoon honey 
  • 1/4 cup walnuts 
  • 1/4 cup almonds 
  • 2 tablespoon shredded coconut 
  • 1/2 teaspoon all spice 
  • 1 tablespoon heated canola oil 40 sec in microwave 
  • 1 teaspoon hot cocoa 
  • 2 tablespoon sunflower seeds 
  • 2 tablespoon raisins 
  1. heat the oil a little and keep to one side
  2. mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl with the oil
  3. spread on grease proof paper 
  4. bake at 350 for 10 minutes until golden brown
  5. allow to cool and enjoy 
I really loved this over Greek yogurt with fruit.

Have a lovely weekend all, remember to enjoy the small things, we sat out and watched the fire flies this evening. I think they are one of my favorite things about living in the South I didn't grow up with them in the UK. One of the comments on my post snap shots from England really resonated with me, stating that it sounds like I have two homes. I love it - from now on I am going to change my view point rather than missing the UK so much I am going to smile and feel very blessed to have two very special places to call home. 

Hugs to all 

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  1. Wat a fabulous homemade granola,love to get that whole bottle.

  2. Great idea to make your own and you're right, it is overpriced in the fancy grocery stores.

  3. looks lovely & delicious...mouthwatering!

  4. Sounds you had fun making it with the kids, too. Granola ain't cheap, no matter how you look at it, but it's so easy to make yourself and you can adjust everything to your (and your family's) liking!

  5. Hi Rebecca!
    As usual, I'm enjoying your travels on Facebook....the kids are growing so fast. Scary, isn't it?
    Anyway...I'm not a granola lover, but my daughter is, so I make it often when she's home. It's similar to yours, but the allspice addition is interesting. I may try it next time.
    Hugs, Barbara

  6. Two homes, I like it.

  7. You are so right about overpriced granola. I've never bought it ever since making it myself. Love the added coconut in this recipe :)

  8. Love homemade granola! lovely jar, and what a fun idea to add cocoa to it! I use just honey, sometimes maple syrup for sweetener in mine, and I love it made with almond or walnut oil. So easy, homemade is the way to go!

  9. Homemade ones always best Rebecca. As we know what are ingredients going in there. I will happy if gave me this tasty granola as gift.

    1. your right its a great gift idea ;-) and so true on knowing the ingredients

  10. Nice! I love granola too sometimes the kids eat (and hubby) like a dessert with vanilla yogurt! I love with plain yogurt, have a nice weekend Rebecca!

  11. Nothing like homemade products, especially when they save you a few bob! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  12. Homemade is always better! Looks great!

  13. What a great recipe to get the kids involved and entertained!!! Sounds delicious!

  14. Thanks for the reminder to add "Make homemade Granola" to my summer recipe bucket list :-) My aunt gave me her recipe years ago, and it's something I've always wanted to make, but haven't gotten around to. Your recipe looks delicious!

  15. I yet have to make granola...looks delicious and so simple.
    Thanks for the recipe Rebecca...have a great week :D

  16. Homemade granola....sounds great, Rebecca! Happy 4th of July!

  17. I was thinking of making granola for Christmas gifts this year. I've bookmarked this for later. Thanks for the recipe Rebecca. All the best!

    1. it would be a fun gift hope your canada day was good

  18. I love making granola too, Rebecca, and you've reminded me that it has been a long time since I've made some. I like the addition of hot cocoa in this recipe!

  19. Yum! I love granola and how versatile it can be when you do it yourself :0 great recipe!


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