Roasted Chestnuts with Cardamon Tea

Its chestnut season, these wonderful nuts are lovely this time of year many of us enjoy them on a city street roasted and of course the words chestnuts roasting on an open fire spring to mind. I had eaten them in various cities. I had never tried roasting them at home after a chat on the Chow and Chatter facebook page I decided it was time, and made slits in the skin as Paul mentioned if you don't they will explode!

Chestnuts are the only nut containing vitamin C they are also a good source of  copper, and a very good source of Manganese. About a 100 years ago the American chestnut tree was wiped out by a virus and its only recently through dedication and hard work coming back.


  • one cup of chestnuts
  • a baking sheet 
  • cookie sheet

  1. make a cross shape score in each chestnut with a sharp knife
  2. bake at 400 for about 20 minutes until you see the skin starting to peel
  3. allow to cool and peel 
  4. these made a great mid afternoon snack with a cup of cardamon tea (this was simple tea I brewed with a couple of cardamom pods added) 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, its boxing day today in the UK where I am from, so folks are of work apparently its a day boxes would be given from bosses to their staff with bonus's or gifts for a year of good work, as they had more than likely worked on Christmas day they were given the next day of to visit their families. These days its a huge shopping day equivalent to the after thanksgiving sales here in the US.

Some folks even take a very chilly dip on boxing day for charity,  wearing fancy dress. Here's a clip of some super brave folks :-)

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  1. what nice Rebecca! two of my favorites: cardamom and chetnuts!! sounds delicious!!!x

  2. vitamin C..didn't realize that.
    Love mom's helper :)

  3. My mother just gave me roasted chestnuts! I will have to make some tea to go with them! What perfect timing of your post! Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a great holiday season!!!

  4. What a delicious combination, Rebecca! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes to you for a very happy 2013!

  5. My husband loves Roasted Chestnuts! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and your family, Rebecca!

  6. I still find chestnuts really exotic :D I don't think I have ever used them

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. i bet you could bake something really good with them

  7. I have never had chestnuts but you make them sound like fun.

  8. I haven't roasted chestnuts for a while, By the way cardamom tea is my favorite.

  9. This looks delicious. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Gloria! :)

  10. Ooh, yum. I love chestnuts, but I only have them once a year for Christmas.

    1. i think they are very seasonal too thanks for stopping by

  11. Love both roasted and boiled chestnuts,loving that tea cup too.

  12. Chestnuts are one of my favorite foods, but it's hard to find them and recipes in which to use them. This is a great recipe for simply roasting them. Such a great, healthy snack!

    1. thanks here are some idea's soup, risotto on salad :-)

  13. I thought the chestnuts were supposed to go pop, pop, pop! :) haha! I tried making them at home last year, but they were better when I had them on the street in London! It was probably the chill in the air! BTW super brave is not what I'd call them folks :)

    1. he he yep maybe silly and I think I like them better in london tea ha

  14. Totally love chestnuts, and the tea looks and sounds WONDERFUL!

    BTW, sent you an email about 'an email that supposedly came from you'. Lots of love


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