Pomegranate Tabbouleh

I adore Middle Eastern food and my hubby jokes we should go live there for a few years so I can get my fill :-). Tabbouleh is a wondefully healthy salad, that is easy to put together it uses bulgur wheat a whole grain with a light nutty taste. I have been enjoying pomegranate lately and figured why not add to tabbouleh it was delicious and I plan to make it again this week, always a good sign. 


makes 3 servings 
  • one cup of cooked bulgur wheat 
  • 1/2 cup of fresh parsley chopped 
  • 1/2 a pomegranate (seeds removed)
  • one small tomato chopped
  • 1/2 a cucumber chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1/2 a fresh lemon squeezed
  • one teaspoon of olive oil
  • a few mint leaves chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon of za'atar 

  1. cook the bulgur wheat as directed I found one that only needed to have hot water added for 30 minutes, sometimes I will make it and keep in the fridge to have on hand to make the salad
  2. simply add all the ingredients to a large bowl and toss 
  3. enjoy it makes a lovely light lunch

and just to make you smile here's a pic Jasmine took of herself with the computer :_) 

Have a great start to the week everyone :-)


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  1. What an excellent dish. I even have a pomegranate in my fridge (how many people can say that). When I shop today I will get bulgar, although there is a chance I have some.

  2. Can I just say that you always have the most succulent recipes ever? I love the look of that one. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Great looking recipe Rebecca. And "awwwww", you daughter is a cutie. Have a great Monday.

  4. love tabbouleh too! but never thought of zesting it up with a bit of spice and pomegranate! this looks wonderful! the pomegranate look like red jewels in the salad (: great for xmas as a side!

  5. Your daughter is adorable :) The tabbouleh looks delicious. I love it with the pomegranate, very pretty touch, not to mention tasty!

  6. Jasmine is cutie pie, I too fan or Tabbouleh, adding pomegranate increased its goodness.

  7. How cute...thanks Miss Jasmine, you did make me smile!
    Rebecca - I think we both had pomegranates on the brain today. Love love that you added it to Tabbouleh!

  8. Oh Rebecca...Jasmine is really growing up...and so fast.
    I like the pomegranate in the tabbouleh...a nice twist.
    Have a great week!

  9. Hi Rebecca, excellent salad, look appetizing. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Your girl look so cute and adorable.:)

    Have a nice day.

  10. Love this, I am making a quinoa recipe with pomegranate tonight. So festive looking. I love middle eastern too, have to have some next time you come to NYC.

    1. that sounds good oh and love Middle Eastern food in NYC had friends who lived in Brooklyn

  11. I love pomegranate in saladas,look delicious, and ..I love Jasmine she is sop cute, I missed this age in my twins:(

  12. Gorgeous salad, Rebecca! I really see you in Jasmine :) What a cute shot and she is getting sooooo big :)

  13. Those pomegranate arils are so pretty in everything. Like little jewels! Hope you are enjoying the season :)

    1. thanks and cool never knew thats what they are called

  14. I am eating everything with pomegranate lately, why not tabbouleh?! Looks good!

  15. What a great pomegranate twist!

  16. I am new tabbouleh, but it sound like a healthy dish.

  17. Great big smile!! I'd be smiling too if mom was inspired to toss some pomegranate in tabbouleh :)

  18. Those scratchings look amazing I would polish off that whole plate!

  19. really healthy n never heard abt dis..super blog vth quite new recipes..n nice cliks too.
    BTW Iam back to blogging..plz visit my space n if gets sum time check out my new FB page dear.Thanks in advance..

  20. I'm a big fan of tabbouleh and usually serve it with some sea bass. I really love the addition of pomegranate and za'taar ro accentuate the Middle Eastern taste. Lovely recipe.

  21. We love tabbouleh in our house and it's such a neat twist to add pomegranate to it! I'm sure it's great for a tart crunch :)

  22. The pomegranate makes this such a festive salad, Rebecca! Clever of you.
    Cute of Jasmine....she is growing up so fast!

  23. Hi Rebecca, drop by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Best Regards.

  24. Hello dear Rebecca, I would like to wish you a very Marry Christmas and very happy New Year! Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for your friendship!

  25. Love this tabbouleh with the pomegranates arils. Lovely lovely snapshot of your girl. Super adorable. Happy Hoidays.

  26. Yummy and delicious. Happy to follow you.

  27. What a combination!!! Cute daughter with a delicious salad! Love your blog and happily following it!

  28. A beautiful tabbouleh! So scrumptious looking.

    Your daughter is so pretty and cute!



  29. This looks so good! Lovely and fresh for January too.

  30. I never would have thought to add pomegranate arils to tabbouleh but it looks delicious and would add a nice bit of tartness to the dish. Jasmine is adorable and is growing up so fast.

  31. une belle salade rafraîchissante est délicieuse bravo
    bonne soirée

  32. What a healthy and beautiful salad. I love Middle East food/falvors as well. :)

  33. what a terrific idea for a salad dish. healthy, fresh and simple!
    thanks for sharing this amazing recipe.

    loved reading your comment.
    so glad you stopped by. thank you!
    i'll be back soon to read more!

    big hugs~


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