Story time - Pluto Visits Earth

I read this book to the kids last night and just had to share it, love the message don't let the label that others give you, define you :-) 

Hugs and have a great weekend 

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  1. Thank you so much, I love this kind of books, I read a lot to my children. I am going to find this book. Or just let them listen your reading-))) Wonderful! Have a good evening!

  2. How i miss reading to my kids so long ago. My grandchildren are now teens and young adults.

  3. Brilliant :) I just got to spend the last 4 days reading books to my bff's itty bitties. I want one of my own now!

  4. I have to say story books are especially on my mind these days as I purchased a few French books in Notting Hill just the other day as christmas gifts for my partner's nieces - can't wait to read them out to them :) Have a great week!


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