Pomegranate and Brie Salad

I made this simple salad recently with pomegranate and Brie, it worked surprising well with the homegrown lettuce and arugula and a little white balsamic and sumac. I took this picture on a rug I got for our boys room it has a world map on it. I felt this was a fusion of east and west so couldn't resist the snap! 

Pomegranates are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins C and K, and a good source of potassium, folate, and copper. The juice is made into molasses, sauces and I had the good fortune of trying pomegranate Turkish delight. Pomegranate have about 600-800 seeds and can be tricky to get at.

I tend to get the seeds out and store in the fridge for a couple of days then add to salads, on top of my morning cereal or over Greek Yogurt.

 for one 
  • a handful of greens
  • one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds
  • 4 slices of brie
  • a pinch of sumac
  • a dash of white balsamic vinegar 

  1. simple add lettuce and then top with brie and pomegranate
  2. add balsamic and sumac
  3. enjoy 

What's your favorite way to use Pomegranate? 

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  1. Pomegranate and brie sounds so good right now!

  2. Yum salad.
    Loved the rug as well. Kids would learn so fast with such things.

  3. How original love to find something new to start special meal.

  4. Exactly 840 seeds?!
    Favorite way to enjoy pomegranate?...on salads, Greek yogurt and oatmeal.

    1. oh I will do oatmeal next, and took at fact of maybe I was wrong

  5. I'm with Sandi (above comment). 840? Exactly? Who knew? I have one on my counter from which I will extract exactly 840 seeds this afternoon.

    1. took that quote of got it of line but now reading comments it does seem a tad daft he he

  6. That looks FABULOUS and has all of my favourite ingredients in in too! Karen

  7. i just came across some pomegranite seeds and really wanted an excuse to buy some. now i have one!

  8. Delightful salad. I love eating pomegranate just by itself - what a wonderful fruit.

  9. Pomegranate and brie looks wonderful combo. Love to try when I get hold of both.

  10. I just bought a pomegranate for a fresh fruit salad for my Thanksgiving dinner! This salad sounds delicious Rebecca.
    I hope that you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  11. sound healthy and refreshing salad, you should make more of this for your family.

  12. Looks awesome. Love the idea of using brie. I can't even remember the last time I had pomegranate. I am not even sure I can find them around here.

  13. It looks delicious,Rebecca! Love the colors and flavors. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Oh, I do like a salad with some cheese in it :-)
    Wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving Rebecca x


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