Zucchini Fritters

I made my first zucchini fritters recently with the huge zucchini that grew in our garden. Growing up in the UK I had never had these before. I know they are popular here in the States and so happy to have joined the fritter club:-)


  • 1/2 a very large zucchini grated and patted with paper towels to remove moisture or two wee ones
  • one egg
  • 1/4 of a cup of plain flower
  • one tablespoon of panko
  • a dash of salt and pepper

  1. grate the zucchini and try to remove moisture with paper towel
  2. add beaten egg, salt and pepper, flour and panko and mix well
  3. form into patties and pan fry in olive oil for about 3-4 minutes on each side
  4. enjoy 
These were so good and easy to make, folks tell me sweet corn fritters are also tasty. I think I may make them again and add some crab meat with a little cajun seasoning :-) 

What are your favorite fritters and do you have any recipes to share hint hint :-) 


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  1. these look just delicious! i love fritters!

  2. Zucchini fritters looks very yummy...

  3. I tried making zucchini and carrot fritters, also tasted great :)

  4. I love fritters! These are so tasty.

  5. Yum! And I love that you grew the zucchini. I hope we can grow some next year.

  6. Great way to use zucchini Rebecca. Very healthy too.

  7. Nice picture. Fresh Zucs are a luxory. I have a recipe with buckwheat flour on the blog you can try that too.

  8. What a great way to use the abundant zucchini crop!!! Thanks for the recipe Rebecca!! Hope you are doing well!

  9. Delicious fritters, I baked once love it. Zucchini is awesome veggie, goes well with savory and dessert

  10. i have some yellow squash that i need to use up - this sounds like the perfect way to do that! looks delicious!

  11. fritters look wonderful deliciously done

  12. Welcome to the zucchini madness club Rebecca! I just made fried zucchini blossoms stuffed with cheese too! Now I need to move on to the other recipes like this on my 'to do' list while zucchini is busting out of the garden!

  13. I love zucchini fritters! Perfect use for them!

  14. Great post! I am always looking for zucchini recipes. I love that veggie so much it hurts. haha


  15. Yummy ! Made zucchini fritters but differently. Used whole slices of Zucchini ! Love this variation. Will make it :)

  16. What a delicious idea for zucchini!

  17. Love fritters! I've been seeing so many zucchini fritter recipes this summer. I made some, too - with corn and basil. Delicious!

  18. Love zucchini fritters! I sometimes add a little feta cheese to the batter too :)

  19. These zucchini fritters look great...so simple too make...
    Thanks for the recipe and hope you are having a nice week Rebecca :)

  20. I can't choose my favorite fritter! But one that I do like is fried okra - okra isn't very stable, so many people don't have access to it. These look great - I look forward to trying your recipe.

  21. How did you celebrate J's birthday ? I love fritters of any kind and zucchini is my fav with some hot masala tea :)

  22. they sound easy and delicious: a great summer side dish

  23. Yummiee fritters... looks delicious! and healthy :)

  24. Ah a grated zucchini version - looks yummy and interesting - I either slice them thin and long or in rounds and dip them in batter to make them


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