Watermelon Smoothie

This is a delightfully simple smoothie to make, just watermelon with low fat natural yogurt. I know everyone is crazy on watermelon and my hubby loves drinking the juice but for me its too sweet. I love the combination with the yogurt and it adds in protein and calcium along with the lycopene and vitamins of the watermelon, got to love that.


for a glass
  • 1 cup of chopped watermelon
  • 1/2 a cup of yogurt

  • simple blend and enjoy :-) 

What summer smoothies are you enjoying?

Hope your all having a good week :-) 

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  1. Smoothie looks delicious. Quick question, do you freeze the watermelon before blending or just use it room temperature?

  2. Im sure this is amazing Rebecca:)
    Love the colour; with watermelon I have made Ice cream so smoothie would be fantastic!

  3. This looks wonderful! I never would have thought to put watermelon in a smoothie....great idea:)

  4. Rebacca,

    Watermelon smoothie looks delicious. I makes juice with watermelon

  5. I love smoothies and this one sounds so refreshing and good!

  6. I love your tasty smoothy a lot! So good, so tasty!

  7. Watermelon and yogurt sounds good, why I have never thought of that! I will have to try next time I have watermelon :)

  8. How perfect! It looks delicious and sounds refeshing. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  9. yummy & simple ! sharing since it's national watermelon day !!

  10. The color is soooo pretty! This smoothie would be a beautiful addition to a bridal or baby shower brunch as a pretty pink drink :)

  11. Funnily enough, my hubbie has just bought a massive watermelon so if there is any left - I can put in a smoothie. Nice idea :-)

  12. I am off the the shop now to get some water melon. Thanks for the great idea. Enjoy your weekend. Diane

  13. Very refreshing looking!


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