Bratwurst with German Style Potatoes

We had some wonderful Bratwurst in Munich at a beer garden, unfortunately it was raining that day so we weren't in the garden. Der HofbrÀukeller is one of Munich's biggest beer garden restaurants. It is known for traditional Bavarian food and even has a place for kids to play in a supervised area. 

This is a wonderfully easy meal to put together after making it I realized I didn't have any mustard, so asked my sweet neighbor for some. She is of German decent and tried the potatoes and approved of them :-) 


  • 10 small new potatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste - a pinch 
  • one tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1/4 of a red pepper diced 
  • a pinch of mustard seeds, I used black ones as we use them a lot in Indian cooking ;-) 
  • 1/4 red onion diced

  1. boil the potatoes with the skins 
  2. heat a little canola oil and pop the mustard seeds 
  3. add the onion and pepper and saute for 3 minutes
  4. add the potatoes, white balsamic, parsley, salt and pepper 
  5. serve with bratwurst I simply boiled, my neighbor gave me a great tip to boil in 1/2 beer and water and streamed vegetables 

outside the restaurant, they was a cool street art exhibit at the time, with special lions around the city. 

Do you have any German recipes to share? 

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  1. I love bratwurst!!! I'll give a try your potatoes recipe, sounds yummy :)

  2. If you German neighbor approved, they have to be good. My grandfather was first generation German and loved his potato salad.

  3. I love potatoes done in this way, less boring and so delicious!
    Have loved reading your travel adventures.

  4. Such a classic, delicious dish!

  5. Looks delicious. Love potatoes this way as well, MUCH better than the Southern style potato salad.
    I only made one German type dish, with apple vinegar, red cabbage and nigella seeds one time but that was one time many years back. Dont know much about the cuisine.

    1. I want to learn more about it too and I am with you simple and healthy for me too

  6. I don't have any German recipes but I do love some Austrian dishes. Close enough, isn't it? :)

    Love these potatoes!

  7. I love bratwurst but my favourite is weisswurst. We eat masses some years back when we went to the Beer fest in Munich. Enjoy your day. Diane

  8. Lovely pictures Rebecca :)

  9. Delicious, send it over here to Rome for dinner tonight:) Bravissima. I am following you right away.

  10. When visiting Germany decades ago, I ate Kartoffeln Salat and Weisswurst all the time (accompanied by copious quantities of beer of course). I found fresh wurst here in DC recently (not pre-cooked) at a German deli. Surprisingly they were quite bland. Go figure.

  11. those potatoes sound delicious! i just love bratwurst!

  12. i'm all about hearty german food like this, delicious!

  13. just came from Germany! and I can't stop eating them, they are delicious

  14. Great looking dish!

  15. Delicious plate love to visit Munich some time.

  16. Nothing like some vinegar with the potatoes to turn them into something delicious! I love meals like this, but don't make them very often. My mother was German and made meals like this often for us.

  17. I love this recipe! Everything sounds delicious.

  18. Just shared the restaurant with Ian who's heeded to Munich his fall with a group of friends to celebrate Oktoberfest. Love the simplicity of this dish-can't get much better than brats and potatoes :-)

    1. oh how cool he will love Munich :-) and October fest would be awesome

  19. Yum! I've never been to Germany, but I do live in what used to be Germantown in NYC! So there is just one authentic place left standing! haha


  20. I do not have a German recipe to share but love going to a nice German restaurant in Hagerstown, MD.

    I do not mind if you post some more ideas in German food.



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