What to eat in Nice, France

Here are a few items you must try if you are visiting Nice in the South of France. It's so much fun and I feel important to try regional specialities as you never know when you will return and it really gives you a flavor of the area.

Cod we ate at a lovely restaurant called Cafe Bianco.

Tourtes de Blettes a traditional tart from Nice made with Swiss chard, raisins, pine nuts and apple sounds funny but so good. The sweet neighbor next door to the apartment we are renting brought it for us to try as we sat on the balcony sharing pizza with them last night. See below for recipe, may not be able to get it to link as blogging on my phone :-)

Of course no trip to France is complete without fresh baguettes and croissant.

Ravioli a speciality here, Roshan loved this :-)

Local park

Menu of awesome restaurant highly recommended and cheap mid day menu.

Eating pâté on balcony

Fish soup


Fresh asparagus at local market

Small streets in old town

Pâté and salad this was great had a texture like pulled pork

view from balcony :-)

Soca a traditional flatbread made from chick pea flour

Have a wonderful week everyone

Love Rebecca


  1. I love Nice and I was so hoping you would show Socca. We first tasted it at the market in nearby Antibes and instantly fell in love.

    Looks like you are having a wonderful time, but who wouldn't in Nice. One of my favorite places in the world.

    Safe travels Rebecca.

  2. I'm visiting Nice again next month, already looking forward to the food :)

  3. What a lovely area, and looks like you are having beautiful weather. The soca looks like the chickpea pancake Ive made. I got the recipe mostly from David Lebovitz. So Roshan liked the ravioli? I can't believe how big he's getting.

  4. Sam mine too hugs girl in the purple dress have fun :-) lyndsey I know he's growing so fast crazy

  5. I feel kinda like I just took a mini-vacation, thanks! I would love to try the ravioli, and the salad, and the flatbread -- and go to that blue-blue beach! Lovely.

  6. Nice post, Rebacca, It is one space I would like to visit when I get a chance. Your prince looks cute

  7. WOW I just had dinner, but I'm hungry again haha!!!! What incredible dishes!

  8. Thanks for sharing this informative post and Roshan is such a lovely name. God bless him! He looks so cute.

  9. What an incredible holiday. I think it's so cool that the neighbor brought you food. :)

  10. AH this looks like so much fun!!!! Love the cod, what was in it?

    1. it was served on a bed of fennel and cabbage really good

  11. Wow. Everything looks amazing. I'll take a trip to Nice with you guys anytime!

  12. What a perfect introduction to Nice; that is one place we visited and I still dream about.

  13. Hi!! I'm Elena, from Spain. And I'm a great lover of our traditional Spanish cuisine. I have just discovered your blog, and I want to share mine with you. You can read all the recipes in English, because it has a translator gadget. I hope you like it!!! Best regards,


    Elena ;o))

  14. Great photos, Rebecca. I love following you on your travels!
    Baguettes and croissants are what I remember best about France. Delicious!

  15. Love this post Rebecca. I really hope to get to France one day in the not too distant future. (you look fantastic in the photos too!)
    All the best!!

  16. What a beautiful place and you look great there :)

  17. Been a long time since I was in Nice! Your post makes me so want to go back again!! XOXO

  18. Ahh what nice Rebecca hope you have a good time:))

  19. Wow!You sure make food the main destination like it should be. Everything looks so good, I want to get on a plane and fly to Nice.

  20. Sarah we sure do food is a huge factor on where we travel :-)


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