Walnut and Maple Biscotti

I made this biscotti for my Dad coming a few weeks back, he's very partial to cake and with two wee ones, cooking a meal and a cake on the same day I felt was a tad amibitious so I wanted something that I could make one or two day's ahead of time.

  • 1/2 cup canola oil 
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • a handful of walnuts - chopped a little
  • 2 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • a teaspoon of maple sugar
  • one large egg


1. Preheat oven to 375 and grease cookie sheet
2. beat egg, oil and sugar together
3. slowly add in flour and baking powder , nuts and stir it makes a thick and sticky mixture.
4. put on cookie sheet and press down to 1/2 inch thickness.
5. Bake for 25-30 min until golden brown, then remove and let it cool
6. slice the biscotti then bake for about 3 minutes on each side, in fact the word biscotti in Italian means twice baked :-)
7. I then melted some chocolate and drizzled it over the top.

These lovely plates and tea cups were sent from my Grandma I thought I would attempt better pictures, he he, at the time my wee guy was crying in his high chair and Jasmine was begging to drink the tea from the pretty china cup. So I tried :-) 

Here she is carefully sipping it as Mummy told her not to break it :-) 

and here's our adorable little man

So excited as later this week, I will be sipping tea with my Grandparents and introducing them to Roshan and letting them catch up with Jasmine, its been over a year since I have been to the UK and can't wait to see them. Also my Grandma's chocolate cake is amazing Roshan will go to town on it for sure!

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  1. I love biscotti! My friend is teaching me how to make it, but it's slow goings. I love the flavors in this too

  2. MMMM,...Your biscotti with the chocolate drizzled all over them look amazing, tasty & lovely too!:)

    Lovely pics too! ;) Your salad with strawberries tasted divine too! ;)

  3. Biscotti came out perfect..Sweet pics..

  4. They are adorable! I have always been nervous about making biscotti; yours looks fabulous.

  5. one of my favorites are biscottis and these look delicious!:))

  6. Oh, such a great cup. I really love the design. As for the biscotti, I am sure it's very good. You are really spoiling us. :)

  7. What sweet pictures of your children! How fun to have grandparents visiting soon! Your biscotti look lovely all deck out in the beautiful china!

  8. Just recently discovered that I like biscotti. Who knew it could have a crunch exterior with a soft interior. These looks scrumptious!!

  9. that biscotti looks amazing! definitely need to try it! such sweet pics of the kiddos :)

  10. Awww Rebecca, it is perfect as are the kids. Kudos!

  11. Your kids are adorable! i have to make biscotti soon, i have seen so many recipes around..

  12. Walnut and maple...a perfect combo! Pretty tea set.

  13. Oooohhhh! I haven't had biscotti, much less a cookie, in forever! I love this flavor combo. So nostalgic!

  14. Make ahead is essential in a busy household such as yours Rebecca. I'm sure your dad loved dunking his biscotti. Have fun on your trip. I know you grandmother will adore your kids and you'll have a fabulous reunion.

  15. The kiddos are so cute, Rebecca. I know that biscotti was delicious. Maple-walnut anything is my personal fave. Have a safe trip!

  16. mmm I love biscotti. These sound so delicious!

  17. Yum! Love the chocolate drizzle! Happy belated Mother's Day!

  18. You were smart to plan ahead with these delicious biscotti! I can't do it all in one day either. Too tired to enjoy my company if I do. We had our two grandsons today - I understand the commotion :)

    Have a wonderful trip to the UK, Rebecca!

    1. thanks so much :-) and bet your a great grandma and they will eat so well

  19. i am a coffee lover and i believe this is good to pair with my coffee....

  20. Oh yum, I certainly like to treat myself to a coffee & a biscotti once a month as you'll see in my food diary ;) Never even thought of making my own! Great idea.

  21. These looking amazing! Quite excited for you and Roshan's first trip to the UK.

  22. The biscotti look great...like the idea of maple and walnut...and the kids are so cute...thanks for sharing such precious picture Rebecca.
    Hope you are having a great week with your grandparents :)

  23. that is nice with a hot cup of tea

  24. Love the maple walnut combo in your biscotti, and how wonderful to be spending time with your family. Enjoy!!!


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