Picnic in Bath

We had a lovely week in the UK catching up with my parents, grandparents, hubby's Mum from India and the kids little cousin. It was busy though going from house to house, on Tuesday we drove from Kings Lynn to Bristol saw close friends then to Bath, calling in at Oxford. Bath was lovely was my first time visiting and we had a great couple of hours strolling around and had a picnic in the park by the river. 

Life is made up of special moments and this was one of my favorites, watching Roshan crawling on the grass and Jasmine smiling under the shade of a tree. 

pretty old buildings in Bath

Bath Abbey 

Sweet Jasmine 

The famous Royal Crescent street 

wow what history !

the river

me enjoying the beautiful English countryside :-) 

Ancient Roman baths still in use today 

Roshan enjoying crawling in the grass - magic 

Now in Nice in the South of France :-), stay tuned for more travel posts 




  1. What a magical time. I ave grand memories of Bath - it looks as beautiful and welcoming as ever!

  2. What nice Rebecca always I heard Is really lovely and a place always british go to Bath in summer. Lovely place and pics!!

  3. Ahh love this Happiness is not a destination is s way!!

  4. I was in Bath last October, it's a fabulous city and not too big, a bit like Edinburgh it feels manageable. Would love to go back and see more.

  5. awww what a wonderful vacation! i bet your parents loved meeting their grandchildren! have fun in france!

  6. It looks like you have beautiful weather. I inagine you are having a great time with all sides of the family!

  7. Great photos. Bath is our home town although we lived in Oxford for the past 10 years. Diane

  8. Oh, how nice Rebecca...I completely agree, it's the little things in life that count. Especially in such a great location! ;)

  9. Wonderful to know u r bad in UK to visit loved ones. And your kids have grown so much. They are so sweet and adorable! And you look really sweet as usual! :D

  10. I love Bath. How cool to see the Abbey without scaffolding all around it. The last two times I was there it was all covered up in a workman's dress.

    So glad you've had a chance to visit your family and lovely that your mother-in-law is with you too.

  11. Janice love Edinburgh too, Junia oh they loved it especially great grandparents, lyndsey was fun hope your well, Dianne both places are fun, sandi he he that helps too, Mary aww your kind hugs Maureen oh I lucked out then

  12. Went to Nice a few years ago; fantastic! Love all your photos; nothing beats getting together with family.

  13. So glad you had a nice time Rebecca. I can tell by your smile. Also nice to know the kids are getting along well together and adjusting to each other. Life is good.

  14. Great photos! I have a trip to Bath planned for next fall.

  15. I do enjoy a good travelogue now and again. Thanks.

  16. Rita so agree :-) , Sam hugs, yummy chunk let you will love it , Stephen C great to have u Andi ;-)

  17. Hey Rebecca thanks for sharing those brilliant moments with us!! the photos are absolutely breath taking. Have a nice holiday:) Cheers


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