Bulgur Wheat and Roasted Vegetable Salad

I made this salad recently for a pot luck and it went down really well, I am not sure why I hadn't used bulgur wheat before, its whole grain and has 6 g of protein in a serving 1/4 cup dry and is a great source of fiber. Its very much like cous cous but healthier. I will make it again for sure. 


  • 1 1/2 cups bulgur wheat 
  • 1 1/2 cup boiling water
  • one bunch of asparagus
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 a yellow pepper
  • 1/4 of a cucumber
  • 1/2 a fresh squeezed lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon zatar
  • a handful of crumbled feta 
  • a tablespoon of olive oil 

  1. roast the asparagus, garlic and bell pepper at 400 for 10 minutes and slice
  2. meanwhile add the boiling water to the bulgur wheat and let it sit for 30 minutes 
  3. add the asparagus, garlic and pepper to the wheat with a little olive oil and keep in fridge over night
  4. just before heading to the party mix in the zatar (A Middle Eastern spice blend), feta cucumber and lemon juice :-) 
  5. enjoy 
I see this as a blank canvas for loads of different veggies and flavors and a great dish to make for a crowd ahead of time :-) 

who else has made it and please share your recipes :)

Its been quiet here without my parents but quite relaxing and its hard to believe in a couple of weeks we are headed to the UK to see family and celebrate my Grandma's birthday, and tour a few countries will keep you posted and blog, tweet a long the way. I am also giving a talk to dietitians at Kings College London on social media, how exciting!

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  1. Rebecca look nice I love bulgur!

  2. I only had bulgur wheat a few times before going on a gluten-free site, but I remember really enjoying it. Love all the veggies in this, plus I'm eager to try some Zatar. How exciting for your Grandma's b-daym and your social media talk in the UK!

  3. Looks so good! I need to cook with bulgar more too, I love the addition of asparagus:-) Hugs, Terra

  4. Good question, why don't I have bulgur wheat? Thanks for the idea, going to make some! :)

  5. Your always on the move, how fun!! cannot wait to see you travels, great dish!

    1. thanks we love travel actually been a yr since i was home

  6. I'm really impressed by your active lifestyle Rebecca! You have smaller kids and yet you are way more active than me. Do you sleep? Haha.

    I'm not familiar with bulgur wheat but this salad looks healthy and nice!

  7. MMM,..;what a delightful & colourful good for you salad, lovely, lovely food! :)

    Yum Yum Yum!

  8. Love roasted veggies in anything. Great post!

  9. I intend to eat my way through every asparagus recipe I can find this spring! This is perfect!

  10. Looks delicious, Rebecca! I don't use bulgar enough - very filling and so healthy. I love the asparagus in it, so perfect for spring.

    Another wonderful adventure for you. Safe travels and congratulations on your talk!

  11. Congrats on the speaking gig - that's great for your career!

    Have a wonderful holiday and give Gran a birthday hug from all of us. :)

    Your salad looks great. Like everyone else I've got it vacuum sealed in the pantry but don't use it often enough.

  12. do I need to buy zatar? have been hearing so much about it.

    1. i like it worked well in this but use sumac more

  13. Great recipe Rebecca, so flavorful and healthy :)
    Hope you are having a great week!

  14. I never had bulgur wheat before either but I love couscous! Especially with roasted veggies. Hope your speaking engagement goes great!

  15. Looks yummy! Safe travels. I'll be over that way too. Have fun on your trip and your talk to RDs over there.

  16. Ca a l'air délicieux ! Miam !!

  17. Dear Rebecca when you can mail me please to talk about the post you want!:))


  18. This looks so good; i usually make taboulleh with bulgur and spinache;. Thank you for giving me another way to enjoy it.

  19. I meant bulgur and Parsley!

  20. Now thats a dish I need to make too :-)

  21. I love this kind of salads,Rebecca! I use quinoa in a similar recipe and it is delicious...I will post it soon!

  22. Hola mi querida Rebecca es una ensalada muy sabrosa y saludable me encantan los granos,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  23. Lovely and healthy bowl of salad.

  24. This sounds lovely, Rebecca...and I'm always looking for ways to use Zatar! =)

  25. Oh, fantastic Rebecca! We eat bulgur several times a week here - I was raised on it and now have my Australian Man hooked on it as well. Beautiful flavors (perhaps I'm biased, hah) but this dish is right up my alley. Great share!

  26. I haven't tried bulgur yet myself, but you just can't go wrong with a roasted vegetable combination!

  27. i keep meaning to find some zatar but i always forget! this is a good reminder that i need to do that - looks delicious!

  28. oh, great looking-dish! l'm just drooling over it!
    i'll definitely have to make this one!

    have a great week ahead, my friend!


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