Roasted Patty Pan and Eggplant Farfalle

I found patty pan squash recently in whole foods and fell in love with the cute shape, like mini flying saucers I think they were sourced from Mexico and are in season in the Summer. Great nutritionally high in Vitamin C, folate, Vitamin A, Potassium and Magnesium. I decided to roast them with eggplant on the day of purchase as after reading I found out that they can spoil quickly. This was a lovely meal and one to try again, who knows now I am gardening I may even try my hand at growing them. 


  • one cup of patty pan squash cut into halves
  • 1/2 a big eggplant diced
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic 
  • 3 small tomatoes chopped
  • 1/2 a red onion 
  • salt to taste 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Italian herbs 

  1. add eggplant and patty pan to a roasting tray drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt, add garlic and bake at 400 for about 10 min until soft 
  2. saute onion in olive oil with a 1/2 a teaspoon of Italian herbs add tomato and let it reduce down to a sauce takes 5-10 minutes
  3. add roasted vegetables and serve with pasta of choice.

Its been a busy few days here, getting ready for my parents coming, cleaning house, excited to see them on Thursday. Then next week we are all going to Omaha to visit my brother and sister in Law there and I am speaking on social media at the State Dietetic meeting :-) 

Gardening update: 

Jasmine getting some fresh lettuce leafs from the garden 

Homegrown lettuce on my ham, cheese and branston pickle sandwich 

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  1. Love eggsplants Rebecca! and this look delicious!
    Love Jasmine too, she is so cute!!

  2. Delicious meal, love Jasmine's interest in picking lettuce.

  3. Aren't you the proud mama of that lettuce? :) I love that squash, I roasted a lot of them last year because it kept showing up in my CSA box. I should have signed up for it this year too! Hopefully will be in the farmer's market soon!

  4. Ilke looking forward to the farmers markets

  5. Homegrown lettuce sound so good, can have more sandwich now..your pasta look cute and yummy.

  6. I didn't know the cute little squash was called patty pan, I just learned something new:-) Looks delicious! Hugs, Terra

  7. Lovely meal with one of my favorite vegetables eggplants!

  8. What a cute name for a squash: patty pan!

  9. i love eggplant! your dish looks just lovely :)

  10. What a great vegetarian dish,Rebecca!Jasmine is getting big and beautiful!

  11. Jasmine is really growing up. Patty pan squash is so cute.

  12. I have never seen patty pan squash; now I have to find some.

    1. he he love it always get you on the hunt for new things

  13. Rebecca, I love the veggie tasty and healthy.
    Jasmine is so the pictures :)
    Thanks for the post and have a great week!

  14. Patty pan is one type I haven't tried yet! Sounds wonderful roasted with the eggplant! Jasmine is getting so tall!

  15. Reeni look forward to seeing what you make with it

  16. I love the pattypan squash as well. Good luck with your garden and have lots of fun with your parents when they visit!

  17. Looks delicious Rebecca. And love the gardening update. We used to me a member at a community garden, and I grew my own pattypan squash. They were amazing....but one hid under a leaf and got freakishly was a huge yellow ufo by the time I found it. OK, that's an exaggeration, but it was as round as a frisbee. We didn't eat it, it seemed pretty woody when we cut it open, but it was the talk of the garden. :) Have a great day.

  18. that pasta looks fantastic! i just need to find that squash :)

  19. Just had some pasta too! Yours looks very tasty with eggplant.


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