Sole in a Chinese Style Black Bean Sauce

I asked my Dad yesterday if we had any Easter traditions around food growing up and really the only one was eating fish on Good Friday and of course having chocolate eggs. Here's a nice simple recipe for sole or any white fish in a Chinese style black bean sauce.


  • 2 tablespoon of fermented black bean sauce 
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce 
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 3 fillets of sole
  • 1/4 onion thinly sliced 
  • a bunch of spring onion cut into fairly large slices
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger/garlic paste 
  • one teaspoon of sugar
  • dash of sesame oil
  • one tablespoon of flour

  1. mix the black bean sauce, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, sugar, sesame oil together in a bowl, taste as it can become too salty add a little more sugar to balance or water 
  2. coat fish in plain flour and lightly pan fry on each side in canola oil for 3-4 minutes 
  3. remove fish 
  4. re add onions and spring onions to large pan or wok and stir fry for 2 minutes add sauce and fish and simmer for 3-5 minutes 
  5. serve with rice and vegetables
Have a wonderful Easter everyone, God loves you :-) 

Headed to the airport to collect parents soon :-)

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  1. We normally eat fish in Good Friday:) and chocolate eggs of course, this look delicious!
    Happy Easter dear Rebecca!

  2. thanks Gloria :-) about the same as us then :-)

  3. That recipe looks delicious. Happy Easter. Diane

  4. Happy Easter Rebecca..
    Lovely fish recipe. Never cooked with black bean sauce though I like it whenever I tried it eating out.

  5. Wonderful recipe for fish and it must taste so flavorful with the black bean sauce.

    I hope you have a very Happy Easter with your family and parents, Rebecca!

  6. Sole is perfect fish, I love what you made with it. Have a great time with your parents!

    1. thanks I love it too so much you can do with it have a lovely weekend

  7. Perfect for Good Friday. (We have way too many food traditions in our home - hard to get them, all in!) Happy Easter!

    1. love your traditions and blog always hugs happy Easter

  8. Fish and chocolate, now those are some good memories. GREG

  9. I love black bean sauce! Great idea to have it with sole! Enjoy your wonderful Easter with your family!

  10. I never saw fish with black bean sauce on it before - what a great way to jazz it up! Happy Easter!!

  11. What a great way of serving cod; I really am impressed. hope you and your lovely family are having a wonderful weekend Rebecca.

  12. Yum! I have never had fish in black bean sauce and I love the idea. Delicate but bold. Sounds wonderful!

    1. thanks so much and what a great way to describe the taste

  13. happy easter! And what a great dish, I never thought about combining fish with bean sauce but it does look delicious

  14. This looks really good! I hope you are having a nice holiday with your parents.

  15. I love Chinese black bean sauce, but never thought to pair it with fish. I bet it was delicious!

  16. i love chinese style black bean sauce, but i never seem to make it quite right at home...i'll definitely have to give your recipe a try, looks delicious!


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