Oatmeal Pancakes

I adore pancakes for breakfast and these oatmeal pancakes are truly a gem,  I was inspired by a recipe in the LA Times Food section, another Newspaper I enjoy especially their cooking tips video tutorials. You grind oatmeal in a grinder and add to pancake mix, I used a coffee grinder and the really good thing is you get whole grain cereal :-) 


makes about 6 small pancakes
  • one cup of ground oats
  • one cup of self raising flour
  • about a cup of milk or enough to make a nice batter
  • one egg 
  1. grind the oats and mix with the flour
  2. add the egg and milk and use a hand blender to mix into a batter 
  3. heat a hot pan with a little canola oil and cook, they make nice fluffy pancakes
  4. perfect with maple syrup and fresh fruit 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :-)

my froggie sous chef 

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  1. what nice panquekes!! Rebacca and your sous chef is adorable, really cute!! LOL

  2. Great recipe, especially since it uses self-rising flour, which I don't use often but have tons of.

  3. A lovely warm breakfast fit for a Weekend brunch! I love fresh strawberries with oatmeal... you have one cute sous chef to help you:)

  4. You have the cutest sous chef!

  5. My husband just asked me tonight to put a 'breakfast for dinner' on my meal planner for next week...great minds ;)
    Your daughter is adorable!

    1. oh love breakfast for dinner and your such a good wife

  6. What delicious pancakes :D - I love how the oatmeal in them means I can eat a significantly higher amount ;)

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Jasmine is a cute little helper!!!I don't make pancakes often, but those look delicious and healthy..my boys would love them!

  8. Your sous chef is adorable Rebecca. I love the idea of adding more grains to the pancakes. Very healthy and good for you.

  9. Oh my goodness! Oatmeal AND pancakes - how fun. Jasmine is just such a little cutie!

    1. Claudia thanks I adore her bless she will miss Grandma and Granddad loads in a few days

  10. Hi Rebecca! How have you been? Sorry for MIA, but I enjoy your posts on Facebook. Your froggie sous chef is super cute! Jasmine is so big now... We've been busy this weekend that I couldn't make pancakes. These delicious pancakes could make our day! Looks good!

  11. First of all, what a darling sous chef for you, Rebecca! Just had some oatmeal and blueberry pancakes today! Seriously . . . so much healthier for us! However, it was not of my making, so I must try your recipe at home! Thanks!!!!!!

  12. I love pancakes and these sound extra yummy!

  13. Oh wow...never thought about grinding the oatmeal. Sounds great! And definitely a delicious breakfast.

  14. Wonderful idea to add ground oatmeal to the pancakes! I'm going to remember that for my grandsons :)

    LOVE your Sous Chef!

  15. Yay! LA times food section is the best section of their paper, in my opinion. Too bad they pushed it into the corner of a Sat weekend edition.

    Love the pancakes!

  16. Such easy pancakes-would love to try these! We usually have pancakes at least once a week at our house, but I hunk its been over a week now, so must make some soon! Love your little helper :-)

  17. They look so yummy! And you have a sweet sous chef. ;-)

  18. I love these pancakes, have made them several time and they were always a hit!! thank you and such a cutie your froggie!!

  19. Ypur pancakes look so fantastic & so delectable too! :)
    You have a great & cute sous-chef here! :)

  20. thanks Angie, Vianney oh thats so cool, thanks for letting me know, Sophie :-)

  21. I've yet to make an oatmeal pancake that isn't too dense. Your recipe looks like it might do the trick.

  22. Oh my goodness, your gorgeous little sous chef is becoming such a big girl! How time seems to fly. I have not tried oatmeal pancakes but I love the idea of using oats, they sound lovely :)

  23. thanks and I can't believe it either shes wonderful so proud of her

  24. I have to experiment with these more, great idea grinding the oats I do that for meatloaf and your helper? adorable.

  25. whole grain cereal. what a fantastic idea! this makes pancakes a healthy-ish option than the regular ones, right?.


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