Dark Chocolate Mousse

I made my first chocolate mousse last week, it was so much fun and let me tell you divine. The more I blog and read blogs the more I get the confidence to get in the kitchen.  I am having fun seeing the marvel of food reactions. For example how the whisked egg whites turned simple melted chocolate into a delectable mouse and recently how hot water, milk and sugar can bubble like crazy to create creamy caramel. 

I found this recipe on this blog and didn't really change anything, but couldn't resist adding here for quick reference for lil ole me when I make it again!

Pierre Herme's Simple Chocolate Mousse


  • 170g dark chocolate, finely chopped - about 1 1/2 bars I used Green and Blacks Organic 
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 large egg yolk (use good quality eggs and especially you are eating them raw)
  • 4 large egg whites
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar

  1. Use a bain marie or I simplyput a stainless steel mixing bowl on the top of a pan of boiling water, this worked like a charm to melt the chocolate, keep to one side 
  2. Boil the milk and then add to chocolate mixing with a whisk, then add the egg yolk
  3. In a separate mixing bowl whisk the egg whites with the sugar on medium to high until you get glossy peaks, then little by little add and mix to the chocolate, add the mousse to any desired container I used some Turkish tea cups I got in Istanbul. 

These glasses make me smile as I remember buying them with Jasmine in a tiny pottery shop and the sweet girl gave a small plate to her as a gift. Hubby calls one a champions cup and gets her to drink her milk from it. So this is chocolate mousse for Champions.

Finally here's a wonderful interview with Pierre Herme the master pastry chef and Chocolatier he started his career at 14 and is a fourth generation pastry chef winning numerous awards. He famously worked at Ladurée and is known for his macarons. With shops in France, London and Japan and various cookbooks. 

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  1. Seriously this does look divine! Nothing better than ending a meal (or starting one ;)) with a light and luscious chocolate mousse! I'm out of eggs, but will try this soon!

  2. I have been catching up on your post...yummy mousse too :)

    How is the journey of motherhood? Good I am sure...

  3. I've fallen in love with dark chocolate and it's a never return for me to anything else. The cups are adorable and so are you and Jasmine.

  4. Mousse is such a magical dessert. This looks decadently delicious!

  5. IT looks divine...cant resist , I will just make it now.

  6. I have never made chocolate mousse because I was intimidated. That is why I love Bogging. I am going to try this; Merci Rebacca.

  7. This mousse look divine! I would gobble that right up :)

  8. How delicious! What a yummy mousse!

  9. i just love chocolate! i wish this were vegan... ahhh. and your daughter is just so cute!

  10. For me, chocolate is the epitome of dessert - the darker the better. I love those beautiful Turkish tea cups!

  11. Look amazing Rebecca!! I see this and Im hungry by chocolate!! nice!

  12. I love the pic, Jasmine is so sweet. They glass are stunning and the mousse looks great!

  13. Nelly aw thanks so much means a lot when the pro approves
    My kitchen flavors :-)
    Val thanks so much
    E love being a mum but tiring :-)
    Jose thanks
    Sam thanks so much :-) can't beat good choc
    joanne aw thanks
    mothers secret recipes :-)
    heather :-)
    Rita thanks can't wait to see yours my friend
    nutmeg nanny he he we did
    yummy chunklet :-)
    Junia oh I am sorry
    susan :-)
    gloria thanks hugs
    Vianney thanks so much

  14. You wicked woman - I am going to have this. It has dark chocolate. I am hypnotized! And the recipe is indeed perfect. Love the photos Rebecca - so filled with sweetness and joy.

  15. Yumm,that chocolate mousse is really drool worthy.

  16. Your mousse looks delicous and it's dessert time here in Sydney and we have nothing sweet in the house and I'm wishing I had made chocolate mousse instead of zucchini flowers.

  17. The cup you present it in is so cute! And of course, so is your daughter ;)

  18. What a delicious looking chocolate mousse! That's a must for chocolate lovers!

  19. I too have never made chocolate mousse at home. Looks easy and delicious!

  20. i love the beautiful tea cups...they are huge ! the chocolate mousse looks so tempting....deep dark brown has that effect :D

  21. Mmmhhh, divine! I always make my mousse with darker chocolate.



  22. oh how i love mousse! this looks delicious!

  23. This chocolate mousse made for Champions is looking so tasty & fluffy too because of the egg whites! :)

    Lovely pictures too, dear Rebecca!
    Thanks for the introduction of this famous chef!

  24. claudia wish u were closer would make u some
    judy thanks
    hotly spiced would such a good summer dessert
    sandi thanks
    melanie for sure
    biren can't wait to see yours
    a spoonful of yumm they are tiny just a close up
    rosa smiles
    teresa thanks
    sophie smiles my pleasure

  25. Loved the clip of Pierre Herme...and what do I really need to say about chocolate mousse, perhaps that it is possibly the most luxurious creation ever...and my favorite :) Great post!

  26. looks luscious & oh so chocolatey! beautiful recipe :)


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