Beautiful Autumn

I thought I would share some beautiful pictures of fall/Autumn around Winston Salem NC adore this time of year. Hope its beautiful where you are or if you in the Southern Hemisphere enjoying Spring :-) 

My road 

me and Roshan :-) having a fun morning in the park 

friends and lolly pops 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :-) 

Hugs Rebecca


  1. They all shine Rebecca - as do you and yours.

  2. I love fall. It is my favorite season. I look foward to walking in the leaves and hearing the crunching.

  3. The reddish pink leaves look amazing.

  4. Don't you love it when we have a beautiful Autumn like the one we are having this year. I can't get enough of it.

    Your prince is growing so fast and so handsome.



  5. a spoonful of yumm :-)
    Claudia aw thanks hugs
    Chef E :-)
    Mom on the run oh love that too
    torview :-)

    yummychunklet love that one too
    Mely i know it flies by

  6. Fall is my favorite Season, even though I don't get to enjoy the colors...this is so beautiful!


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