Orange Sugar Cookies

These citrus cookies make a fun treat all year but why not this Easter :-) I had fun making them with our little one and I can't say enough how much blogging has inspired me to bake more :-) thanks to you all for your inspiration. Have a wonderful Easter weekend or Passover depending on what you celebrate may God richly bless you.


  • 3 1/2 oz of butter softened
  • 3 oz of sugar 
  • one egg separated
  • 7 oz of plain flour
  • rind of one orange
  • 2-3 tablespoon of orange juice
  • about 1/2 a cup of icing sugar and a little water to mix to a paste
  • sprinkles to decorate 

  1. cream the butter and sugar and slowly add egg yolk
  2. add the flour, orange rind and orange juice forming a soft dough
  3. roll out the mixture  and cut about 15 small rounds with a cookie cutter I used a cup :-)
  4. place on baking paper, prick with a fork 
  5. paste a little whisked egg white onto the cookies and sugar 
  6. bake at 400 for 12- 15 minutes
  7. when cool drizzle with icing and add sprinkles 

Heres a picture of Jasmine learning to do the thumbs up for the cookies we made together :-)

and below is a fun clip of us making Easter cards, we took some cookies and a card to a lovely 109 year old Grandma we know here. Be sure to take a treat to older folks in your community to brighten their day 

Much love and remember God loves you

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  1. oh .. she is adorable.. cookies are perfect.. loved the video..

    new to ur space n happy to follow u for more wonderful creations..
    do visit me when u get time ..

  2. Que ricura de galletas, fabulosas.


  3. I love adding citrus in cookies, esp. orange. Wonderful. How cute is Jasmine!
    Have a wonderful Easter Weekend Rebecca.

  4. this is a good treat for Easter day! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  5. Thank you for the inspiration. Your daughter is adorable. Looks like a delicious Easter treat.

  6. Too cute! Both the cookies and the little one.
    Happy Easter!

  7. Rebecca, how nice that you are teaching Jasmine to share with her elderly neighbors. Love her "thumbs up" pose. Happy Easter to you and your lovely family.

  8. I love to see you cook with Jasmine; you are both adorable and Those cookies would be perfect with my cup of tea.
    Happy Easter weekend.

  9. I love making cookies and these look awesome..liked the flavor of orange in it..great recipe..
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  10. Love these citrus cookies! Hope you have a delightful Easter :)

  11. Happy Easter to you and all at home Rebecca. Jasmine is so adorable :)

  12. 109! Whoa, that's amazing! I'm sure she loved the cookies as much as Miss Jasmine did. Happy Easter!

  13. A nice alternative to the chocolate Easter bunny-yum!

  14. These cookies look lovely and Jasmine is adorable! Happy Easter!

  15. Happy Easter to you and your family Rebecca.I already told you that these look very cute.I love that you used orange instead of lemons.I prefer it :)Have a nice weekend.

  16. the orange is such a nice addition to your sugar cookies, what a wonderful added flavor! I love your helper too....

    hope you and your family enjoy a joyous holiday!

  17. mmm, so bright and citrusy, delicious!

  18. Mehjabeen thanks have visited a few times check your comments :-)
    Jose :-)
    Michael thanks so much
    Sonia thanks so much
    Lauren :-0
    Sinful Southern Delights :-) thanks
    Sam thanks hugs
    Rita sending u one over
    Belinda :-)
    Suman thanks so much
    Marla thanks :-)
    Anccoo :_)
    Parsley she likes sweets he he
    Doc :-)
    Maris thanks same to you
    Marnely he he
    Chef Dennis thanks so much
    Teresa hugs

  19. The cookies look perfect and the video is so cute :) YOur daughter is SO SO SO adorable !

  20. Jasmine is cute and pretty girl. This orange sugar cookies is perfect treat. Love your video.

  21. Have a great weekend Rebecca! These cookies look fantastic and probably taste better since you and Jasmine made them together!

  22. These sound great and I just know my kiddos would love them, too. Have a great Easter, Reb :)

  23. By the way, I've given you an award today over at Deep Dish :)

  24. Cute photos! Love anything flavored with orange! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  25. Kankana thanks :-) we think so too he
    Swathi thanks
    Joanne so true happy easter
    Girlichef thanks so much
    Parsely sage oh thanks so much on my way over
    EA thanks hugs

  26. I enjoy eating simple sugar cookies like these from time to time and I really have to mention that your daughter is such an adorable cutie :)!! Have a wonderful Easter with your family!

  27. I'm a big supporter of baking more! Too much fun, especially with kids :) Happy Easter!!

  28. Cookies look dee-lish, just found your blog n' instantly became a follower. I look forward to browsing through your posts!

    Visit my blog sometime:

    Xoxo :)

  29. cooking gallery thanks so much and wow your peter rabbit cake is amazing
    Victoria happy Easter too :-)
    dinners and dates welcome on my way over

  30. Being a food blogger challenges ourselves to try something new and receive amazing ideas shared from others. That's the fun part of having a food blog.

    What a cute video! Happy Easter, Rebecca!

  31. Hi Rebecca

    My first time to visit your lovely blog. I love the cookies and the nice video.

    I am now following your blog. I invite you to follow my cooking blog.

    Happy Easter!

  32. Happy Easter to you too Rebecca. Hope you have a lovely long weekends :)

  33. Yum! What fun to share Easter with your beautiful girl. I always enjoy your craft videos.

  34. Victor so true thats my favorite thing about blogging hugs
    spoon and chopsticks thanks for stopping by happy easter I will visit your blog for sure
    like my spoon thanks so much same to you
    Angela thanks

  35. Beautiful cookies Rebecca. I bet they were delicious with that hint of organgy goodness. Happy Easter!

    And thanks for visiting me today. Your blog mysteriously fell off my reading list and I've really missed it. Glad to be back and can't wait to catch up on what I've missed.

  36. My daughter and I made some orange flavored sugar cookies as well this week. Yours look very pretty! How wonderful that your neighbor is 109. I bet she has some wonderful stories to tell.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  37. Katrina no worries so hard to keep up with everyones blogs Rebecca
    Kim oh thats cool bet yours were wonderful

  38. Love the easter food styling, Rebecca!

  39. Love the pic of Jasmine there ...hope you had a great easter :)

  40. Jasmine is adorable! The cookies look pretty good too.

  41. thanks Chef Pandita trying he he
    Ananda thanks
    Mimi :-)

  42. She's beautiful. I made lemon cookies for Easter. I'll have to give you orange version a try.

  43. Looks like Jasmine is going to be quite the fun, and the cards too :)


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