Pilot Mountain North Carolina

On Monday we spend the morning at Pilot mountain, a lovely state park only 40 minutes from Winston Salem NC, up 52 North. I had walked there with my Mum and our daughter a few years ago when she was much smaller and remember how pretty it was. Not sure why its taken me so long to return. Slowly my hubby who was always so much into cities is enjoying the countryside and the great outdoors. Sometimes you don't have to get on a plane to see amazing places they are often right on your door step.

Pilot mountain has a rich history known as Jomeokee or guide, to the Native Americans. You can hike around the pinnacle we even did this with a 5 year old and 2 year old. Or drive to the top and enjoy the view.

our babies are so strong, pretending to lift one of the many rock formations

View from one of the trails, you can see the blue ridge mountains in the distance 

View from the top, I just adore the greenery and tree's in North Carolina 

wild flowers 

Is there a wonderful park near you waiting to be enjoyed, what are you waiting for :-) , and feel free to share a picture on your blog, or the chow and chatter facebook page or tweet me 

Happy to have got through the first week of kindergarten sadly sweet Jasmine got sick today at school, hopefully she will be fine, good rest and TLC for the next few days

Have a lovely weekend everyone 




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