Golden Raisin Tarts

When I was growing up one of my favorite desserts my Mum would make was treacle tart, a tart lined with golden syrup (pure cane syrup from the UK and can be found in a lot of US grocery stores), mixed with bread crumbs and baked - gooey sweet and so good. 

I found these lovely golden raisins and decided to make mini tarts with golden syrup and raisins, they turned out great. I gave most of them away as I don't need to eat them as trying to lose weight after the little guy arrived. I am just having the best fun inventing baked goodies, endless possibilities.


  • 8 oz flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 oz butter
  • cold water to mix about 2 tablespoon 
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins 
  • 1/2 cup white bread crumbs 
  • 1/2 - 1 cup golden syrup enough to coast raisins and bread crumbs

  1. sift flour and salt into a bowl
  2. mix in butter by hand until it resembles fine bread crumbs 
  3. add cold water until it forms a paste 
  4. roll out to and link a muffin pan
  5. fill with the raisin, bread crumb and golden syrup mixture and add a little criss-cross of pastry over the mini tarts 
  6. bake at 400F  for 20 minutes or until pastry is golden.

Is there a fun food item you are having fun experimenting with at the moment?

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  1. Rebecca these look absolutely nice have a nice and Happy Christmas:)

  2. They're a good idea. I love treacle tart.

    I'm trying to make lots of chestnut recipes (sweet and savoury) love them!

  3. These are so lovely!! LOVE raisins.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  4. Love the sunflower! I know it's not really part of the recipe, but it's so beautiful next to those tarts! Honestly, I haven't used golden raisins. Not because I don't like them, but grew up with brown variety. Which for some reason I cling to ;)

  5. Delicious tarts, love anything with raisins.

  6. Simple delicious flavors...Wishing you a happy merry Christmas Rebecca !!!

  7. Believe it or not, I am having a ball experimenting with cranberries -- never had it before :)

    BTW, thanks for visiting my blog, sweetie. Happy Holidays!!

  8. I like the idea of this, a nice change from mince pies. Happy Holidays Diane

  9. love the idea of raisin tarts ! the sunflower is a nice touch...

  10. Even though I'm not a huge fan of raisins, these tarts just look really pretty!

  11. omg...soooooper tempting..nice clik rebecca...:)

    Tasty Appetite

  12. I want to be one of your children. The variety of recipes you make must be fun to sample and smell. Want to adopt a 30-something? Ha.

  13. Lovely tarts! Nice to have friends to share with :-)

  14. Pure homespun goodness. I had nothing like that growing up - but have since come to love a treacle tart. Love the idea of the golden raisins. I wish you and yours a joyful holiday season. May your days be merry and bright!

  15. Love that sunflower with your tarts; raisin tarts are a hit in this house.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  16. What sweet little tarts. Love foods that remind us of childhood memories!

  17. Rebecca, these raisin tarts look delicious, especially because you use the golden ones.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  18. These look great! Brilliant idea. It's fun experimenting with food. Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas! :)

  19. Gloria thanks and the same to you
    Anna oh thats something I need to try cooking with too, merry christmas
    Belinda thanks you too
    Bo you would love it
    javelin warrier :-) love sunflowers too
    swathi thanks
    sangeeta thanks so much hugs
    Kiren oh thanks and another item I have never used
    Diane :-)
    a spoonful of yum thanks
    yummychunklet thanks
    Jay aw thanks
    Lauren he he come on over and sample
    EA come over too
    thanks Claudia your so kind
    Rita oh thats cool you have had them :-) hugs
    Karen i know me too
    Juliana thanks merry christmas
    baking addict u too

  20. looks really delicious!!

    i'm going to have to try it out asap.

    wish me good luck!

    happy holidays!!

  21. Beautiful little tarts, Rebecca, and even more special as they remind you of your Mum. Always watching calories here too but I'd love just one little one :)

    Merry Christmas, Rebecca!

  22. Those tarts look so good! I should have asked you about treacle but in the end I substituted it with honey.

    Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas!


  23. Cute little raisin tartlets. I would love one now.

  24. I remember having golden syrup many times... a great little addition and not corn syrup!!! Lovely idea for those little tarts.

    Have a merry Xmas!!!

  25. Betty enjoy them hugs
    Susan thanks so much and heres one for you
    thanks Biren did you make them how cool
    Angie :-)
    lostoastremembered aw thanks love your blog

  26. i love making cute little desserts! these tarts look delicious Rebecca! happy holidays to you :)

  27. this looks scrumptious and i love to moister the raisins with rum!!Pierre

  28. Mmmm...I love little tarts, and so much better that they remind you of your childhood. I just posted a family recipe Christmas treat, that reminded me of when I was growing up.

    I can get the golden syrup at Publix. My friend from So Africa says there is no substitute for this in some of her dessert recipes.

    Have a wonderful Christmas Rebecca! P.S. Love the sunflower in that last pic!


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