How to Link Facebook Pages to Twitter

Here's a brief tutorial demonstrating how to link the page for your blog or business to twitter, anytime I learn something new in social media I will share with you :-) -

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  1. Thank you so much for the tutorial once again Rebecca. You are very helpful I successfully linked my page to my twitter account now.

    Btw, do you know how to link your page to your FB account?
    Thanks for all the help.

    Have a good day,

  2. I need the html to link my blog to facebook...I had it on there once but it disappeared :( I just do not do twitter much anymore, takes up too much time for what I do.

    How ya feelin?

  3. You are so far ahead of me...I will never dream of catching up! I do appreciate the great pointers.

  4. Thanks for tutorial. I did finally after trying out long time.

  5. Thanks, Rebecca. I am going to try it out...

  6. thanks for the link, always happy to learn something new!!


  7. I love how savvy you are Rebecca! Sometimes I think I am part stone age.

  8. Malou so happy it helped you love your new facebook page
    Chef E feeling good the key is to only do what you can and enjoy
    Angela :-)
    Swathi oh thats cool
    Angie cool
    sweetlife :-0
    Claudia thanks

  9. Thanks for this one Rebecca.I had no idea how to go about it.

  10. Thanks, Rebecca! I was wondering how to do that. I am on Facebook more than Twitter, so it would be great to link them up!

  11. Tanvi and Victoria thats great so pleased it helped

  12. Great tutorial! I have my FB page linked to twitter page, but never thought of adding from my personal pages...will check it out :)


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