Edenton North Carolina - Photo Series

En route to North Carolina's Outer Banks we stopped for a night in Edenton. I had read about it as one of America's prettiest small towns its steeped in history and this made it a big draw to me. Its North Carolina's first colonial capital so it has British roots and boosts the States oldest courthouse that is still in operation from 1767. 

Its a lovely little town situated on the Albemarle sound a pretty body of water for fishing and boating. I confess its very small and could be done as a day trip really or maybe a coffee or spot of lunch en route to the coast. But if you love History as I do and historic buildings its well worth a visit. 

Cupola house, a lovely home from the 1700's with pretty gardens 

Roanake River lighthouse - a favorite of mine built in 1886 to guide boats, its a lovely focal point and next to a kids play ground. 

this made me smile as a Brit 


lovely old homes, this one is for sale :)

What little town has impressed you lately ?

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