Vegetable Biriyani

Love Biriyani it always reminds me of getting a small takeout to snack on, during long train rides in Southern India when we first visited as newly weds. Another rice dish I love from India is lemon rice its wonderful in a packed lunch. I made this recently and hubby was even impressed that's a big thing as he's particular about his Indian food will share the recipe soon. I thought I would share some flower pictures from our garden to make you smile, love adding perennials to show color though out the year, the garden is a work in progress and be patient a mature and lovely garden takes years and careful management. Remember we all bloom at the right time. 

eggplant blossom 

a rose now sadly Japanese beetles are winning 

Our daughter was struggling some during Kindergarten especially with the new common core and she started young, with a tutor and extra help from her Mummy she is now flourishing and will join first grade when it was happening I wrote this poem thinking about it :-)

The seed 
by Rebecca Subbiah

The little seed felt small and dull, she wasn't anything to look at tiny and like many others. 

One day a loving gardener carefully lifted her and smiled he knew her full potential and the beauty she had within. 

He placed her lovingly in the warm fresh soil sprinkled refreshing water and waited. 

Weeks went by many other seeds had started to sprout stretching their way towards the sun, she glumly looked on.

The gardener continued to water her and ensure the sun warmed and nourished her, he would often chat to her and the birds would joyfully sing for her.

Then one fine day a change started, she tingled and knew her time was now, it may have been a little behind the others but it was perfect. 

She magically transformed into a pretty little seedling and then into a beautiful violet starlet.

The gardener paused to admire her continuing to nourish and meet her growing needs smiling and proudly enjoying her beauty and wonder she added to the world.

Even when she doubted her day to flourish would come he gently waited and helped her knowing that, all things happen at the right time with a little love and gentle nudge along the way. 


  • 2 cups of basmati rice
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cumin
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 sticks of cinnamon
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 cardamon
  • 2 small green chili's 
  • a handful of freshly chopped mint and coriander / cilantro 
  • 3 cloves of garlic and a little ginger grated this makes a ginger/garlic paste
  • 2 small tomatoes chopped
  • one carrot chopped
  • one cup of mixed frozen vegetables or any desired fresh vegetables you have on hand
  • one teaspoon of garam masala 
  • a handful of cashew nuts 
  • a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • salt to taste 
  • 1/2 a red onion finely chopped and a little left over to brown

  1. heat some canala oil and add the whole spices to temper
  2. then add the ginger/ garlic paste, chili and onions sauté for 5 min 
  3. add the mint and coriander leaves with the tomato and let it reduce down to a paste 
  4. add garam masala and salt, the vegetables and rice 
  5. then add 3 1/2 cups of water cover with a lid, turn to a low heat setting and set a timer for about 20 minutes check closely as not to stick, add water as needed and stop cooking when rice is cooked
  6. in a separate pan, fry the remaining onions until slightly crispy with the cashew ups 
  7. add to biriyani and use some to decorate with fresh mint. 

one of my raised beds, always grateful to my Dad for building these 


one of our strawberries

Remember if your feeling a little left behind or lost your time to flourish will come and your wonderful 

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