Sprouted Kala Channa Salad

I saw a recipe for sprouted Mung beans on Kiran's blog and if you don't follow her blog you must, creative recipes, great photography and a fun personality. I have actually been meaning to sprout beans for the longest time, its fun to see them grow and they are super nutritious. Sprouted beans are a a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Folate, Copper and Manganese.

I decided to sprout black chick peas also known as kala channa I followed Kiran's method, soaked overnight then left them lightly covered in a damp cheese cloth over a sieve for 2-3 days. Once they have finished sprouting keep them in the fridge. I made a simple salad with these but I have seen some tasty stir fry recipes on Indian food blogs. Here's a great recipe for chick pea and sprouted green gram sundal 
Sprouted grains are also used to make bread I brought a loaf from the farmers market recently.

one portion
  • 1/4 cup of sprouted kala channa
  • a handful of lettuce mine is homegrown
  • about 5 slices of cucumber chopped 
  • a few sliced cherry tomatoes
  • a sprinkle of parmesan 
  • 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon of white balsamic and 1/2 teaspoon of honey mixed 
  1. simple assemble the salad
  2. add the dressing and enjoy 
Being honest the sprouted chick peas weren't really my cup of tea, but I am pleased I learnt how to make them I think as an Indian side dish with spices it would be tasty. 

Does anyone else sprout beans or grains and how do you use them? 

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  1. A beautiful salad! Fresh, healthy and flavorful.



  2. What a nice simple fresh delicious salad :)

  3. I have had sprout beans before in salads and loved them. I like them with watercress and avocado, olive oil and salt. Yummy! :-) Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  4. Used to sprout beans years ago. And I have mung beans in the pantry. Hmmm...

  5. I've never thought to sprout my own beans before! Very cool!

  6. Did you leave those chickpeas to sprout or you bought them like that? I never liked sprouted chickpeas somehow..:D

  7. Beautiful salad Rebecca and I agree on everything you said about Kiran!

  8. Thanks for mentioning her blog, another one to add to my bloglovin' feed :)
    Love love the colors in your yummy salad -

  9. Thank you so much for the kind mentions, my lovely friend. Your sprouted salad looks divine. Perhaps you want to try a milder lentil for salads next time, that might change your mind about sprouting. Sprouted kala chana would be divine if cooked in spices :)

  10. This sounds great. I did sprout some seeds a few years ago but always sprouted too many and then couldn't use them quickly enough!

  11. Love Kiran's blog and just popped over to check out her sprouting technique! I do love sprouts, but not sure if I've tried sprouted chickpeas before. Thanks for your honesty :-)

  12. I cannot explain how much I love the fact that you said "I have actually been meaning to sprout beans for the longest time" ...the things we food bloggers say that others think is crazy, hehe. :)

  13. I'm sorry I've fallen behind here! Love the crafts :) This looks like a delightful salad, Rebecca. I remember sprouting mung beans years ago :) Now, I buy sprouted grain breads at the grocery store - so delicious.

  14. A healthy and flavorful salad. First time on your site and glad to have found it.

  15. A wholesome salad, Rebecca. Thanks for sharing.

  16. This salad is so fresh and satisfying! Looks delicious :)

  17. I've also been meaning to sprout beans for the longest time. This is just the nudge I needed. Delicious salad!

  18. thanks and look forward to seeing yours


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