Rhubarb and Strawberry Crumble

This dessert is one of my Dad's favorite desserts, I remember nibbling on rhubarb dipped in sugar as a child and Dad asking Mum to make rhubarb crumble. When I buy rhubarb in the store the folks at the check out often ask me what to do with it. Recently I have seen it braised and used in salads, made into a compote and roasted with honey. I love making a batch with strawberries, then adding to yogurt, or oatmeal or making crumble. 

  • 4 stalks of rhubarb
  • one small box of strawberries 
  • sugar to taste about 2 tablespoon 
- cook the rhubarb with the strawberries and sugar on a low heat for about 20 minutes it will completely cook down into a compote. I used a little to make the crumbles, added a little to my morning oatmeal and froze some. 

  • 1/2 cup oats 
  • 2 tablespoon self raising flour 
  • 1/4 stick butter 
  • 2 tablespoon sugar 
  • Handful of walnuts 

  1. Mix the crumble ingredients with your fingers 
  2. 1/2 fill ramekins with rhubarb and strawberries  
  3. top with crumble mixture and bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. 
  4. its wonderful served with custard or ice-cream

We sat on the back deck and gobbled it up warm for our afternoon snack 

on a gardening update me and the kids picked some lovely fresh fava beans today :-) I truly enjoy growing food with them and it keeps my sweet Granddad's memory alive he loved to garden.

I have also been having fun, making the kiddies creative sandwiches lately here are a couple. I am adding them to pinterest in case others need inspiration. They love it and eat more fruit this way :-)

We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary this week, hard to believe. Its been a great 10 years with adventures, 2 kiddies and living in America. 

We travel to Scotland this week for a while as my lovely wee brother is getting married, so excited and happy for him. Stay tuned for pictures especially facebook and twitter :-) our wee man is even going to wear a kilt. 

Have a wonderful week everyone 


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  1. this cumbrle soundd really delicious Rebecca!
    congratd for your anniversary hand your lovely family.
    have a nice and safe travel!

  2. The crumble looks good. Baked with rhubarb before. It's quite versatile. It's very gratifying to harvest what you've sowed!

  3. Happy anniversary! I love rhubarb crumble, this looks delicious.

  4. This would be one of my favorite too! I love combination of strawberries and rhubarb.

  5. Hello Rebecca,

    I took it upon myself to visit your blog. This week's #blogchat exposed me to your talent.

    The Rhubarb and Strawberry Crumble looks amazing. I am impressed with your attention to detail and passion for what you do.

    Thank you for the interaction and most importantly thank you for sharing these awesome recipes!

    1. thanks so much for visiting and great to connect with you on blog chat :-)

  6. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY REBECCA!!!! Safe travels to your brother's wedding. Hugs

  7. Happy anniversary wishes Rebecca, 10years that fantastic.. Crumble looks droolworth and prefect for celebration too.

  8. Wow! Rhubarb and Strawberry are a great combination.. Looks absolutely delicious.. I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog.. http://kitchenserenity.blogspot.in/

  9. U have a beautiful space. A perfect blend of all cuisines. New follower here :)

  10. Happy Anniversary, Rebecca!
    The rhubarb crumble looks so delicious!

  11. I love finding new uses for rhubarb! It's such a great vegetable. :)

    and happy anniversary!

  12. Can you believe we have no rhubarb in Greece? This is so sad! The crumble looks exquisite!

    1. oh that is a shame I guess they like cooler climates they grow well in Scotland in my parents yard

  13. I developed my love for rhubarb from my mother and recently started growing it my garden. This is a recipe I would love to try. The addition of the walnuts in the crumble sounds delicious!

    I can't wait to see your little guy in a kilt :). Have a wonderful trip and congrats to your brother.

    1. thanks and enjoy your crumble I need to find me a rhubarb cutting

  14. Congrats first for your wed...
    i love doung this with my niece too,
    preety fun activity,
    but actually my sister got me complains becouse my niece used to take a picture of her meals...
    kiddo always copycat what they saw before...hehehe

    1. ha thats funny that she is taking pics you are a role model

  15. The rhubarb and strawberry crumble looks delicious Rebecca.
    Congratulations on you 10th wedding anniversary...
    Hope you are enjoying your week my dear :)

  16. I only became a fan of rhubarb when I started to live in the UK. I love it.

    Happy 10th wedding anniversary to you and your husband! :-) Here's to a hundred more.

    Greetings from London.

  17. Congratulations on your anniversary :) this crumble looks wonderful, I love rhubarb!

  18. Such a yummy crumble! I was searching for rhubarb in the store the other day, but there was none to be found. WIll try again, as I would love to make this dish! Happy Anniversary to you both & have a fabulous trip to Scotland for your brother's wedding! xo

    1. Thanks so much EA :-) oh and try whole foods for the rhubarb

  19. Congratulations for your ten year anniversary! This crumble looks delicious- I love the rhubarb/strawberry combination. Hope you have a lovely trip! :)

  20. I just can't seem to find anymore rhubarb around here. So frustrating :D

    This is scrumptious and enjoy at your brother's wedding. Can't wait for the updates!

  21. thanks follow along will share mostly on personal facebook though and hope you find rhubarb

  22. I imagine that your strawberry-rhubarb crumble is as outstanding as it sounds! Funny, I've had people ask me what rhubarb is too! Happy Anniversary and many more years of happiness for you two, Rebecca!


  23. i have been hesitant to use rhubarb - have never even eaten it. but your eggless recipe is making me want to give it a shot one time. pinning it for now, hopefully when i make it i will give you my feedback :)

  24. A divine combination! This crumble must taste incredibly good.




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