Indian Potato Chips

These potato chips are easy to make and bursting with spicy flavor. They could be a nice snack but really they shine when eaten with dal. My hubby often makes them. I made these when my parents were here I have fond memories of the day as we all played musical chairs for the first time the kids loved it. 


  • about 5 potatoes thinly sliced either with a knife or a mandoline
  • salt to taste 
  • one teaspoon masala powder or any desired curry powder
  • about a tablespoon of canola oil

  1. slice the potatoes 
  2. coat the slices in masala powder, salt and a little oil 
  3. heat a little oil in a hot pan and lightly pan fry about 3 minutes on each side until crisp.

Served with cauliflower dal, stay tuned for a dal recipe :-) 

and check out the blossoms on my fava bean plants exciting, love gardening 

Have a great weekend everyone 


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  1. Delicious spicy potato chips Rebeca.

  2. Wonderful Rabecca, simple recipes are always with best results!!

  3. Awesome chips :) will definitely try it out...!

  4. These sound so good! I might make these as an appetizer the next time I make chicken masala

  5. I love the combo of this spiced chips with dal and rice. Perfect comfort food!

  6. I like potatoes with Indian spices. I usually make oven baked chips with garam masala and cumin seeds..Yummy!

  7. What a great idea! Going to try this out tomorrow.

  8. Delicious :) When I was growing up we sometimes went to an Indian restaurant which offered something similar as a starter - it was my favourite.

  9. You always introduce me to new-to-me foods, thanks very much :)

  10. Omg, those chips are just mindblowing..Beautifully done.

  11. They do sound tasty, Rebecca! I love a little spice in my food.

    I have to remember to play musical chairs with our grandsons when they get a little older!

  12. Those look so amazing! I'm making Indian curry on Saturday and will bookmark this recipe!!! :-)

  13. Oh, God, we have these in Cuba, too! But without the spicy bit. In fact, my mum made some when were in Cuba recently. Thanks a lot for that recipe, I must now try the Indian version.

    Greetings from London.

  14. What a great way to spice up simple potato chips! Love anything hot! Have a great spring day Rebecca!

  15. Those chips look perfect :) wonderful idea!


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