Cinnamon Rolls with a Story

The internet doesn't really need another Cinnamon Roll recipe, but the story behind them is fun. When my parents were here it was the week leading up to Easter and I decided to try and make hot cross buns, they failed I added hot water and killed the yeast as the dough never rose. But me being me and didn't want to be conquered by some wee yeastie beasties, I tried again I googled recipes and found an easy one for cinnamon rolls by Paula Dean, she knows cakes. This time the dough rose yippee and I stayed up to 11pm to eat one with a hot chocolate fresh out of the oven with my Dad!!

Never give up with baking or with anything in life take a deep breath and try again. Over the last few years I have tried many entrepreneurial ventures and my long time reader friends have watched. I developed two iphone apps, which never really made much money. I have written company blogs and managed social media for companies. I have coached on social media and also written a couple of e books. No regrets on any of these I think its fun to try loads of things. I have also given professional presentations on social media and more recently on how to effectively counsel folks from other countries to registered dietitians. I have always been passionate about food and culture and embracing other cultures a so called friend upset me once saying thats just your thing not everyone wants to hear it. But guess what? folks do want to hear what little Rebecca has to say and they find the talks helpful. Folks keep trying, have fun and you will indeed find your niche. I will say the most important job I have is being a Mum to my wee ones though and being on their loved lists is far more important to me than getting on great food blogging lists :-) 

me speaking to a crowded room of dietitians learning about food and culture I had props of funny cooking utensils and foods from around the world to guess :-) 

Just after talking

me and the amazing Amber @RDAmber her site is great to Healthy Under Pressure, great tips for eating well to lower blood pressure, a personal journey for her. She arranged the conference with help but honestly did most of it impressive it had 500 dietitians from 4 states attend, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. She is a friend and a person you would be happy to know love her. 

Folks don't listen to the naysayers you have something unique and wonderful to share with the world :-)

What is your dream and passion do share:-)


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  1. Your cinnamon rolls look super! I love the click of you and Amber. So fun!

  2. Oh Rebecca I adore your cinnamon rolls I always wanna make!! I bookmarked! look delicious and love your pictures jumping!
    How are you and Jasmine, and the little??
    Im better now, My mom is better after she was so sick, was a difficult time!!

    1. we are all well :0) so pleased your mum is better hugs

  3. Very interesting recipe, I was just thinking to make cinnamon rolls. Thank you for sharing!

  4. First: I love this story Rebecca - I have killed many a yeast in my day! Second: All these experiences add up - you don't know. My journey has been actress-teacher-playwright - and after 20 years - the combo really works. But oh man - I did lots of work along the way - it adds up. The joy in the photos tell me what's coming - and it won't be when you expect it!

    1. Claudia love ya i so appreciate your insight and I admire and look up to you

  5. I am not good at baking with yeast.. :) I keep trying but haven't found a way to do it right :D

  6. Love love rolls, wish i get some..Wow seems u had a fabulous time there.

  7. Thanks for sharing those pictures,Rebecca!Glad you had a good time there!The rolls look delicious!

  8. good for you for not giving up, i probably would have thrown in the towel. these look wonderful!

  9. Delicious looking cinnamon rolls

    Mr. & Mrs. P

  10. Such a fun photo at the bottom :) these rolls look like the perfect cozy treat!

  11. I'm so glad you persevered because these cinnamon rolls look and sound delicious!

  12. OMG, I LOVE the jumping picture! And love the words about following a dream! I'm feeling a little "niche-less" lately, and your words have given me hope that eventually I'll find my voice. Thank you Rebecca!!!! Big hug

  13. I hate when things don't turn out but how wonderful that you tried another recipe and enjoyed them with your Dad that night :)

    Congrats on the talk and the fun you must have had with Amber!

  14. Rebecca, I respect your passion for food and culture. You are out there everyday sharing and helping other bloggers to open up and share. I love it! Don't change a thing.

    I read a quote or heard it, that said something like.... Skeptics, make me question my confidence. That really rung true, naysayers can bring negativity to optimism.

    The cinnamon rolls rock, and the fact that you sat down with your dad to enjoy is priceless.


    1. thanks so much Velva this comment made my day love ya

  15. Practice makes perfect!! I glad you made them they look perfect! Congrats on the talk!

  16. So funny your yeast story...and glad that your cinnamon rolls turned out great...
    Congratulations on your the pictures :)

  17. Lovely post Rebecca. I love how one recipe morphs into another. The cinnamon rolls look great! I just love your passion for food and the social media. Hope we can meet up someday!

    1. me too in Scotland in June but not really near you could meet in Edinburgh maybe?

  18. It's 11pm now. I should be waiting for your cinnamon rolls too :D They look very delicious. I don't mind going to bed with a full stomach of these....hehe. Your talk looks very exciting and fun. Well done!

  19. Great post and these rolls look very yummy!

  20. Great rolls, and I love that you got to share them with your dad :-) Love this post, and everything you say is so true. My kids are my greatest barometer to knowing I am doing something right, and I love hearing from clients who have been really sick, have there lives turned around with food and nutrition. Doesn't get much better than that :-) Keep on following your passions and inspiring others (like myself) Rebecca!

  21. I always have problem with yeast-based baking ,so your story is encouraging to me! And yes, the internet DOES need another cinnamon roll recipe! Why not???

  22. I love the philosophy behind the cinnamon roll,
    have a nice weekend!

  23. Rebecca, it is wonderful to give your heart and soul to everything you want to do. Its not about success, but about giving it your all - and learning from failure. In fact, failure is a better teacher than success.

    I dream of teaching about food, owning a wonderful cafe and writing a few cookbooks. All of which I'm working on in various ways....albiet some slower than others.

    You look great as a speaker, and love the photo with the pineapple. Lots of love!

    1. thanks Ozoz and I have every faith in you your fab

  24. I love that last photo and you're so right. People do what to hear what you have to say.

  25. You've done so many wonderful things and continue to inspire many! I love your enthusiasm. There's always gonna be people trying to bring us down -- don't ever allow them.

    The last photo made me smile & I want a few of those rolls to go :)

  26. These look great. Congratulations for what must have been quite daunting! I love your funny picture at the end too.

  27. I think you're awesome! I know you did great job speaking, spreading the message. The cinnamon rolls looks wonderful! I bet you had a super nice time with your father.


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