Strawberry and Pistachio Firni

When we went to India recently I had the pleasure of meeting Sanjeeta from Lite Bite I adore her, such a humble person and so talented she is now also a professional food stylist. We had a lovely lunch with her and her family and she gave us Firni a Rajasthani dessert from her home state. I made it with strawberries like Sanjeeta did and added pistachios, see the link for her wonderful recipes one with mango and one rose. 


  • 2 cups of milk
  • one tablespoon of basmati rice 
  • 1/4 cup of milk to soak basmati in 
  • 1/2 a cup of sugar 
  • 2 cardamon pods, I used pods so it was a mild flavor, the original used ground powder.
  • a handful of chopped pistachio
  • one cup of chopped strawberries and a few slices for garnish

1. soak the rice in the milk for 20-60 minutes then grind into a paste 
2. boil the milk to a light simmer and add the rice paste
3. carefully keep stirring so that it doesn't stick for about 10 minutes, adding the cardamon and sugar  with the strawberries. 
4. the rice paste is a natural thickener and as the rice cooks it makes a lovely thick pudding
5. after it thickens remove from the heat place into ramekins, I did one in a tea cup (I got this in a charity shop in Boston England for a pound) 
6. place in the fridge for a few hours
7. garnish with chopped pistachio and strawberry

I think this would make a fun treat for valentines ;-) 

Have a wonderful start to the week everyone :-) and thanks so much for being here sharing life, travels, recipes and fun 


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  1. look beautiful I love strawberries and pistaccios and love the cup sooo beauty!!

  2. What a delicious sounding dessert, especially with the cardamom!

  3. these are beautiful! such a creative flavor combination!

  4. How lovely, I haven't heard about this dessert before! Sounds so yummy!

  5. Delicious dessert, it is easy to put together. It is really always fun to meet bloggers we know meet in person.

  6. Wonderful recipe - adding it to my list.

  7. What a beautiful pudding! The strawberries and pistachios sound wonderful together and I can almost taste the cardamom too. Delicious!

  8. this looks like the perfect treat!

  9. love the flavors, sounds like a delicious rice pudding to try!

  10. I haven't heard of this dessert but it looks so delicious!!

  11. The dessert looks beautiful and delicious.

  12. A wonderful dessert! I love basmati rice.



  13. Oh, yummy, yummy! Another fine recipe for us privileged readers! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  14. Not only is that a great looking recipe, I love the teacup you served it in (and the spoon on the side!) Have a lovely Tuesday Rebecca.

  15. How wonderful you and Sanjeeta got to meet! Love this dessert &, yes, it would definitely make a fabulous Valentine's Day dessert! Valentine hugs to you and your family :-)

  16. Looks beautiful and so elegant Rebecca...strawberries and pistachio...what a great combination.
    Hope you are having a great week and Happy valentine's Day!

  17. Thank you so much for a beautiful dessert, I think I will like it a lot. I have some strawberries and pistachios, maybe i will make it on a weekend. Hugs. Yelena.

  18. Rebecca, this sounds fantastic. It is also a pretty dish. I'll have to give it a try. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  19. I don't think I've ever tried a firni before! Oh boy, I've been missing out! You made it so pretty and I love the texture contrast with the pistachio on top. Can't wait to give this a try. Thanks for sharing and wish you a beautiful weekend.

  20. What a delicious combo,Rebecca!Love the presentation!

  21. Arvind loves firni! It's been A WHILE since he had it. I really should make it sometime soon!

  22. It must be delicious! It seems to be a wonderful choice for a Sunday dessert :)

  23. Delicious dessert....very easy to make and awesome taste....very nice...


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