Icelandic Style Seafood Soup

When we were in Icelandic I had some of the best seafood soup I had ever eaten and me being me I knew I would be going to be making it on my return. I had a recipe in hand from one of the local restaurants for the stock. I hadn't made seafood stock from scratch before and needed crab shells for it, its then you realize its a lot easier living on the coast. But no problem as My local Whole Foods has the best fish expert she even got me a dungeness crab from the back. So of I went with my crab to make the soup. The kids were fascinated by Mr. Crab and even pretended it was real- pinching them, see clip below! 

I would say the trick of re creating a dish from your travels is making it as soon as possible while you can still taste the dish :-) then writing it down or blogging it.


  • One large crab
  • 2 cups of shrimp
  • 1/4 cup of wine
  • 1/2 tablespoon curry powder
  • one teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • 3 cups of water, and about 3 for the initial boiling of the crab 
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic 
  • 1/2 a roasted butternut squash roasted and pureed

  1. boil the crab for 20 minutes, remove the meat and add the shell back to the pot
  2. add 3 cups of water, wine, garlic, curry powder and paprika and simmer for 1-2 hours this makes your stock
  3. after this time remove the shells 
  4. add the roasted butternut squash (I simply cut it in 1/2 and roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper for 45 min until soft and pureed)
  5. add shrimp and the crab meat, and simmer for another 10 minutes
  6.  enjoy 

This was a tasty soup, but quite a bit of work, its probably best to make lots of stock and freeze it :-) 

Mr. Crab

The recipe for stock I got from the restaurant :-)

Reykjavik Harbor 

Who else has made seafood soup ? feel free to link recipes below I will add to the facebook page and tweet :-) 


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  1. soup looks delicious. Mr crab looks very cute too :)

  2. Easy, healthy and must be super delicious. A warm soup to welcome autumn.

  3. It's so much fun to recreate dishes at home. Sure would be nice if we had the fresh seafood and fish available to us like they do in Iceland. Wouldn't that be nice?

    Looks gorgeous! Love the pic of the crab.

  4. Look absolutely delicious Rebecca :) how are you?

  5. Icelandic-style? Neat!

  6. Well done: making fish stock from scratch isn't that easy! Your soup looks fab!

  7. I've always wanted to go to Iceland. Glad to have a little taste of it with your soup recipe. Thanks for sharing, it sounds so good.

  8. it does sound like a great recipe- seafood + wine.. :D

  9. It sounds full of flavor,Rebecca! I love seafood soups and you did a great job recreating this recipe...Looks delicious!

  10. It is a delicious recipe full of goodness, wish one day I can visit Iceland.

  11. Homemade stock makes all the difference, but you're right. Better to make a lot and freeze it.
    A simple soup often takes the most time. This looks yummy, Rebecca!

  12. what a delicious looking soup. i love recreating things like this!

  13. I can see why you loved this soup :) It looks amazing and well worth the effort!

    1. thanks and I am pleased I learnt how to make the stock

  14. It looks very good, I wish I could taste it! My daughter goes to a small private school and for Thanksgiving each year they have what they would of had at the first Thanksgiving. Lobster is one of the I was able to bring our lobster shells home and I made a seafood stock and froze it to use in chowders and lobster bisque. That was my only time i made seafood stock. I still want a taste of yours! :)


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