Eat Less to Lose Weight; Seriously!

In a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was concluded its not what you eat but how much thats important to lose weight. Researchers evaluated four diets on 811 men and women over a two year period. Two of the diets were low in fat namely 20% of calories and two were higher 40% of calories from fat. All of the diets were heart healthy rich in fruits and vegetables and wholegrain's and low in saturated fat less than 8%.

Importantly the participants attended both individual and group weight loss sessions with registered dietitians and completed an online food diary. They were encouraged to exercise 90 min a week and received an individualized calorie goal.
After the 2 year study they had kept of an average of 9lb and had lost 1-3 inches off their waist lines. The ones who had atended over 2/3 of the sessions had done better losing an average of 13 lb.

The take home for this land mark study is it doesn't really matter what diet you wish to follow, as long it is balanced and you are eating less of it. It also shows that support and an individualized approach is a key factor for long term success. It is worth looking up a dietitian in your area. Check out


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