Fruit and Vegetable Prints

I love doing crafts with the kids and am always looking for new ideas, I had some ink so figured why not make some simple prints, I chopped up vegetables and fruit and made cards with the prints. The oranges worked well and another day we used okra this was also pretty. You can make simple stamps with potatoes also by carving the desired shape into it.

This craft is great for toddlers, as they can stamp and learn colors and shapes at the same time. I actually sent these cards with some pictures of the kids to my Grandma's in England :-) 

Hope your having a great weekend we visited a local butterfly farm today and got to feed the majestic monarchs and then they released them to start their epic journey to Mexico. Sadly these amazing butterflies are in decline and on the endangered list due to many factors possibly pesticides and loss of milk weed. Milk weed is the only plant the caterpillar eats so its vital a wonderful organization -Monarch watch is helping by supplying seeds and encouraging home gardeners, schools and folks to plant milk weed and flowers. As Monarch way stations to provide rest, food and place for the butterflies to mate, lay eggs, grow into caterpillars, then butterflies.

I planted some milk weed today :-) hope you can find some locally also and help. If your in the Winston Salem NC area, there is a way station in the Demo garden at the cooperative extension building on fairchild road and one at Bethabara.


Milkweed this is an exotic one so an annual but you can also get perennial varieties 

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