Our Little Prince and a Frozen Vanilla Delight

This is indeed a special guest post I meet Nelly on twitter through the amazing Terra of Cafe Terra Blog, a sweet blogger based in Charlotte NC. Nelly is a super talented person, with a wicked sense of humor. A trained pastry chef and freelance writer she has a fun blog and is a must follow on twitter she will go far, a star in the making :0) 

Also big news our little Prince arrived this Tuesday at 9.30 am after a long labor and then a c section, but its all good he is here and healthy. Mum and Dad are here to help and we extended my Mum in Law's flight a couple of days to see the little guy. We are having a birthday party for Jasmine tomorrow making a cake and little frogs in ponds, you may recall Maureen's guest post :-) 

Guest Posting is usually done to share recipes with new readers, to take care of someone's blog when they are on vacation...but this is my first guest post taking care of someone's blog that just had a baby boy! Hello Chow and Chatter readers, I am Nelly over from Cooking with Books here to share with you a delicious and simple recipe!

I don't remember how or when I met Rebecca, but we instantly hit it off! She's incredibly caring, with so much information to share and an endless craving to learn more about the culinary world. She'll ask random questions that get us thinking, she'll introduce you to great people and in the end, it's the little things like her asking how our day is going.

She's now busy with a new baby boy and the always adorable Jasmine, so I thought this dessert would be perfect to whip up! No need to turn on the oven and with just a little simmering on the stove and an overnight setting in the freezer, topped with whatever preserves or fruit you have available and you've got a dessert worthy of a restaurant!

I don't know much about motherhood (and by much, I mean I don't know anything!), but I am guessing new Moms rarely have time to eat! So I though, what would be better than just having a sweet dessert with fruit during the middle of the night while you wake up to feed the baby? Since these are frozen delights, they easily keep in the freezer until you are craving something sweet and are a great dessert stash to have for when you get all those new baby visits!

Frozen Vanilla Delight 
Panna Cotta Recipe from"The New Best Recipe" from the Editors of Cook's Illustrated

1 cup whole milk
2 3/4 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
3 cups heavy cream (I substituted for whipping cream, which was what I had in the fridge!)
1 piece of vanilla (2 inches long) or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
6 tablespoons sugar
pinch of salt

  1. In a medium saucepan, pour milk and sprinkle gelatin over it to hydrate. 
  2. Meanwhile, set up a large bowl with ice and water. In a separate bowl, pour cream and vanilla and reserve.
  3. Over medium heat, heat the milk and gelatin until the gelatin dissolves. Turn off heat and add sugar and salt, stirring to dissolve. 
  4. Stirring constantly, add the cream and vanilla mixture into the heated milk and gelatin and stir until the mixture thickens (like eggnog). Cool over the ice bath and when cool, strain and pour into flexible molds like this one. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze overnight.
  5. To serve: pop out of molds while still frozen and thaw for about 5 minutes. They'll thaw out pretty fast, so the time you take serving them up will be enough. Serve with berry sauce, fresh preserves, decadent chocolate sauce or fresh fruit!

You could also infuse the milk and cream with other spices, such as: cardamom, cinnamon or nutmeg to give it a spiced flavor. It's meant to be quick and easy, and fast on satisfying cravings. Don't forget to stop over at Cooking with Books where I share recipes, travel photography and more foodie food! Thanks Rebecca for having me over!

Thanks again Nelly and have a wonderful weekend everyone :-)

Love Rebecca


  1. Many congrats Rebecca you new bundle of joy is so beautiful. It was a labor of love. So happy your parents are in town to help you and your MIL is coming too. Nelly is such a good friend and the dessert is pectacular!

  2. Fabulous guest post Nelly - this recipe looks delicious and I just love all things vanilla! Also, big congratulations, Rebecca, sounds like all is going well with the beautiful baby Roshan - he is too precious! I hope you are feeling better soon it's so great you have your family around you right now!

  3. Oh my goodness, Nelly...what a treat this is! Rebecca is so lucky to have you guest post. Can you come do it too on my blog next time I'm away? Seriously! Congratulations, Reb! I feel like all my blogger friends are my family,too. We share so much with each other all day, everyday! Welcome, little one !

  4. Congrats Bec ;) He is gorgeous and such a wonderful post.

  5. Congrats Rebecca. He look so adorable.

  6. Congratulations Rebecca--he is adorable! All the best to you and your family.

    Loved this guest post too. Panna cotta is a favorite of mine. ;-)

  7. Oh how lovely to see him. You are looking well despite the c section. Time to blog with two little ones? It's not going to be as easy this time, we will miss you if you are not around so much, but forget Klout it's the prince and princess who are most important and the time will pass so quickly.

  8. You have got a perfect person to take care of your food blog while you were out, Reb! Your bundle of joy is staring at the camera..Hmm..techie in a row..like mom like son :)
    Love the recipe, Nella.

  9. Congratulations my friend! He truly is precious:-) Nelly rocks, that frozen treat sounds really easy and fun! Love and hugs, Terra

  10. congratulations rebecca :)) your son is so cute. love the recipe nelly !

  11. Congrats, Rebecca. I had no idea you were pregnant. I'm excited for you. Enjoy!

  12. So haooy for you Rebecca; fantastic photo of you and your prince. Take time to rest enjoy your little prince. A warm hug to Jasmice.
    Lovely guest post; going to check her out.
    Enjoy the family.

  13. congratulations! so glad the baby prince is finally here! hugs* and i love being friends with boy u and nella. awesome guest post :D

  14. Congratulations!! Beautiful photo of the two of you! And what a fun guest post today. Nelly's dessert looks delicious.

  15. This panna cotta looks amazing!

  16. This recipe looks lovely!
    Thanks fro sharing it.

    Rebecca congratulations on the beautiful baby boy.
    Hugs and kisses to him and the birthday girl.

    Happy times indeed!


  17. Congratulations, Reb! Your little prince is so handsome and perfect! I'm so happy for you and your family. This dessert look spectacular =)

  18. Congratulations again Rebecca on your beautiful baby boy! So nice to see Nelly here too, with a fabulous, easy dessert! I know I would have enjoyed it immensely during all the middle of the night awakenings when my kids were babies! Enjoy this time with all your family :-)

  19. Wonderful quest post Nelly! Your vanilla delight looks delish. Congratulations Rebecca. Nothing is more precious than a newborn! Enjoy. :)

  20. What a wonderful post Rebecca...he is adorable and you look beautiful! The fun has just begin! :) It was such a pleasure to meet Nelly with this delicious dessert!

  21. It's so wonderful to meet your new little man, Rebecca and what an exciting time for your family. Congratulations, once again!

    Nelly, so happy to meet you and what a delightful dessert and guest post!

  22. Congratulations, Rebecca! Your little prince was worth the wait :) I love following both you and Nelly on Twitter - great guest post. Nelly, your dessert is the perfect treat for the busy days ahead!

  23. Congratulations Rebecca. He is a prince and a precious one too.

    Lovely guest post. I like anything with vanilla.

  24. Shulie - thanks so much hugs
    Stephanie things are good busy but good hugs my friend
    Elizabeth oh so blessed Nelly helped me
    Yummy stuff thanks so much
    Sonia thanks
    vijitha thanks
    deb thanks so much
    janice good advice I so agree they are no one
    Sanjeeta he he so true nelly is lovely and so is Roshan
    Terra :_) so true
    spoonful of yum :-)
    Nisrine thanks
    Rita thanks your lovely and have been such a great support to me
    Junia oh like wise hugs
    Lisa ;-)
    yummychunklet will tell Nella
    Mely thanks so much hugs your a sweetie
    girlichef thanks so much friend
    Ea oh i just need it shipped to me he he
    mother rimmy so true its magical
    lyndsey oh thats true love being a mum
    Susan thanks so much and fun to introduce new folks
    priscilla so so true he was
    suresh thanks
    sam oh thanks hugs

  25. Congratulations! He is precious! Wishing lots of love, health, and happiness:)

    Vanilla delight looks wonderful. I have never tried panna cotta but would love to:)

  26. Congratulation Rebecca on your new bundle of joy! He's adorable. So glad to hear everything OK now.
    thanks for introducing me to Nelly, such a wonderful guest post. Love the vanilla treat!

  27. What a beautiful baby! He looks really and truly perfect!

  28. yey!! finally, the little one has arrived!!, congrats rebecca.

  29. Nice guest post! Vanilla is my favorite above all flavors.
    And I've loved looking at your photos on Facebook! No doubt you're home now and loving having your little one to care for. He's sure a cutie!

  30. Yay, he is here. He is adorable, does he have a name? Take your time getting back to things, boys are fantastic.

  31. Congrats Rebecca ~ your handsome young man is precious and so adorable ! Lots of love and blessings to him!

  32. Lovely guest post Nelly. Thank you. And Rebecca, BIG congratulations on the safe arrival of the new family member. My best wishes to you all. Hugs.

  33. Congrats Rebecca!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Nelly, for sharing such a delicious dessert.

  34. Congratulations Rebecca on your new bundle of joy.... good to know family and Kelly are all helping you out with Jasmine and the baby...Take care:)

  35. Congrats Rebecca! So glad to hear all is well. A speedy recovery and congrats again!

  36. Raina thanks so much for the lovely wishes hugs
    Roxana thanks for the congrats you will enjoy Nelly
    Maris oh thanks :-)
    Nammi :-) and so worth the wait
    Barbara oh hes a joy but eats all the time he he
    lauren yep Roshan
    aipi thanks so much :-)
    Roz oh thanks :-)
    thanks Angie
    malli thanks she is coming round to being a big sis
    doc thanks your sweet

  37. Hey Rebecca, congratulations! It must be wonderful with the new addition to the family and you found time to blog!

    Wishing you all well and or thoughts and prayers during this time of the 9/11 memorial.

  38. Rebecca, congratulations, your baby boy is adorable! Happy birthday to Jasmine!

    Nelly, the frozen vanilla delight looks lovely.

  39. Rebecca congratulations, on your little prince. He looks cute.

  40. Love the post Nellie!

    The baby is so precious! Congrats and I wish I could eat a piece right now!

  41. chopinandmysaucepan he he a little time will be less from now on though thanks for the kind thoughts
    Natasha thanks so much
    swathi -)
    E come on over

  42. Congratulations! He's gorgeous! I saw your post on yahoogroups and had to pop over and see some pics. Glad all is well! Have fun!

  43. Congrats Rebecca. Thanks for visiting me and love reading all your news. Wish the little prince thriving.

  44. thanks Barbara kind of you
    Terrie thanks for visiting and the wishes


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