British Crumpets

I made crumpets for the first time recently if you have never had them, oh you are missing out, they are a British staple and often toasted and eaten with butter and sugar or Jam I adored them as a kid.

 My local fresh market sometimes sell them. This is the recipe I used from the BBC - crumpets , overall they were easy to make kind of a cross between a bread, as it uses flour and yeast and pancakes as cooked on a hot skillet. I used these little flower shaped fried egg makers. Not really sure what they are called, but any good cookie cutter would work. The key is to cook the batter on a high heat and let it bubble.

Here's a fun clip of Hairy Bikers making them :-)

Have you ever eaten crumpets before?

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  1. I heard lot about them. not made yet. I need to give it try.

  2. Havent had crumpets, although have heard about them, :)

  3. Crumpets remind me of a really good bakery style english muffin....Maybe, there is something to the fact that they are named english muffins. I never thought about it till I read this post.


  4. I don't think I've ever had crumpets & I love that you feature hairy bikers making them - lol:) I will have to try them now for sure - thanks, Rebecca!!!

  5. This is the first time I'v heard of this crumpet. So much like a pancake! Thanks for sharing & hope you're doing well. :o)

  6. Beautiful...I never had British crumpets but there is a recipe like these in north India.

    I love English muffins though.

  7. um hairy bikers, who are these people? Ha Ha. Thanks for your marathon comment, appreciate it.

  8. I love crumpets. I love jam. I love this post.

  9. Mmmmmm I love crumpets as well.Diane

  10. The shape of your crumpets is cute. I love crumpets...I get mine at Fresh Market too. My very picky eating son even liked them when he was little. I think he liked the name of them. I always wondered about making them. I would love to give them a try. Thanks!

  11. Gosh, I love crumpets. The local store doesn't carry them here, unfortunately. Otherwise, I'd have them every morning! Thee are adorable. Hope you are well!

  12. I have had crumpets before...and I like them. I love the fun shape of yours though; great for the kids!

  13. Like several readers, I haven't had crumpets before. Sound delish.

  14. Hello pretty lady,

    I saw the Crumpets once on TV but now I must try them.
    Please share more recipes from your family. It will be nice to get to know your family favorites.

    Love the pic's on FB.



  15. I LOVE crumpets but never attempted to make them at home. Thanks for the recipe, Rebecca.

  16. These looks so nice and would be perfect with eggs and butter! These are like english muffins right ?

  17. Love crumpets! I had forgotten all about them. Now you've got me craving gluten-free crumpets. Love your flower cutters too, and Hairy Bikers- too funny!

  18. Will have to make the crumpets! Love the yeast pancakes ;-))

  19. I luv crumpets! It's one of my favorite breakfast foods with a nice strong cup o tea!

  20. I have never had them but have heard of them for years. They look great and you have really gotten me wanting to try them.

  21. I never tried nor heard them before Reb... But would love to try!
    I am amazed by your positive disposition in life Reb. Here you are your hands full with two kids plus the hubby and yet you never left the social network and blogging like nothing had changed! Where do you get your energy. I love it.. truly an inspiration!

  22. New to me but yours look great! I will give it a try!

  23. i love the crumpets from trader joe's, but i bet these are way better!

  24. I have never had crumpets, but i have seen them at teh store; for sure I will get some on my next grocery visit; looks fabulous!really enjoyed your little video.

  25. I have never had you have tempted me to try :-)How is life with lil R ? Hope you are all enjoying the cute bundle of joy,esp J :-)

  26. I never made crumpets...only had it from Trade Joes...I like the shape of cute.
    Hope you are having a nice week Rebecca :-)

  27. Swathi you will love them
    Nammi hope you get to try them
    Velva :-)
    Stephanie :-) now what wine would you pair with them
    Kristy doing well he is growing so fast
    sangeeta oh hope you try them hugs
    Lauren they are big in the UK it seems
    Doc :-)
    Diane good taste
    Lisa got to love Fresh Market
    Belinda oh shame you can't get them good thanks
    girlichef :-)
    Sam oh you would love them
    Mely sure thing :-) Cathy my pleasure
    kankana i think they are different English muffins are a bread
    EA :-) yep you have British blood in u
    angie :-)
    marymeals now your talking
    Alicia hope you try them
    Malou oh thanks your so sweet I love you all and can't stay away only posting once a week though
    sutapa :-) cool
    teresa oh cool they have them
    Rita he he those guys are fun
    namitha oh we adore him and secretly jasmine also does
    Juliana oh hope u try good week thanks :-_

  28. I've had them (and love them) but never made them. Love the flower shapes, Rebecca!

  29. I am a sucker for that speciality and British food shows. Pretty crumpets!



  30. Barbara hope you try them
    Rosa thanks so much

  31. ive never had crumpets. they lookd delish ! heard about them a lot. its always fun to watch the hairy bikers cook


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