Its Never too late to Follow your Dreams !

The other morning I was watching TV while working out on the stationary bike when I came accross a movie The Worlds Fastest Indian starring Anthony Hopkins, it was truely inspirational. It is about Burt Munro a New Zealander who came to Bonneville salt flats to set a record for the fastest motorcycle. He set the World record for under-1000cc, 183.586 mph (295.453 km/h), at Bonneville, 26 August 1967. He was 63 years old at the time with a bad heart riding a 47 year old machine the Indian Scout. He saved for years to make the trip to America often working on his bikes all night. On his first trip he came to America on a cargo ship, in order to pay for his trip he worked as the ships cook !
It just goes to show with dedication and hard work no matter what your age you can achieve your dreams, I am sure President Elect Obama would say the same thing!
So what are you waiting for whether its getting your dream career, improving your health to be able to run up that flight of stairs, making that all important trip with your family just follow your heart if Burt can it his 60's so can you!!
"If you don't follow your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable" Burt Munro.


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