Roast Beetroot and Carrot Salad

Simple salads shine when you have in season local produce, I always admire this about the Italians, a love of in season produce where the star of the plate is the food and its natural flavors. I got these stunning beetroots and carrots from a local farm. I simply roasted them and then added to a salad, next time I will roast more and add to tabouleh and other salads. 


  • 4 small beetroots diced
  • 4 small carrots diced
  • a dash of olive oil 
  • a dash of balsamic vinegar 
  • salt and pepper
  • feta cheese
  • a dash of oil and white balsamic for the salad 
  • fresh in season greens

  1. heat the oven to 425 degrees
  2. add the diced beetroots and carrots to a baking tray with balsamic vinegar, oil and salt and pepper and roast for 20-30 minutes until its soft. 
  3. add greens to a plate with oil, and vinegar and a little feta and the roasted vegetables, enjoy. 

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  1. Such a healthy and lovely salad! Roasting definitely brings the best of root veggies.


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